

Ask @Princessasowm

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Hey, I'm not getting anything from Disciple Four, north-ridge road. Could be a bad transmitter.

Call of duty? Not sure if this is a Question tho..
Liked by: Maram

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What's your definition of a kind person?

Dan J.
A good person is someone who puts other's welfare above his own. He/she is wise, unflappale, loyal, unfailing kind, a keeper of promises, sincere and loyal-not selfish. A person with a positive attitude and respect for themselves as well as others. This person does not bad mouth but rather stands up for someone.I know we're not perfect but thats as good as it gets.
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What causes you to panic?

Hmm..I'm gonna say something random since u didn't specify:/ School is near..ahaa..not gd..IG's..so freaking frighted and panicked!
Liked by: Maram

oh Zoelle ..good @ How you spend your days there ?

The where?:s here, uae..hmm well as u know its Ramadan I don't go out a lot except for family gatherings or if some relatives asked us to join them for futoor. I don't watch tv a lot, a couple of programs only, u can find me helping mum sometimes doing some incredibly delicious sweets in the kitchen xD

Howdy..it`s been a while you didnt participate ..@ Whose is that cute pic btw?

I'm all good. I was just busy;p thats Zoelle ..dont ask x3
Liked by: Maram

How do you vent your anger? 

I do not believe in showing it indirectly. Out with it. Rather than devising means to give vent to it, I am trying not to get angry. I try consciously to accept any situation, as it is. This I try to achieve by prayer and meditation.
Liked by: Classic MBA

What do you think is one of the worst feelings ever?

Dan J.
I think the worst feeling in the world is knowing that someone you used to talk to everyday doesnt care about you anymore.
Liked by: Classic MBA


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