

Ask @Princessasowm

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هنآك قلب , لآ أستطيع كرهه مهمآ أوجعني لمن تهدي هذه العبارة ؟

ههه صحبيتي:$ ه

Do you already have Ask.fm app for iPhone?

Nop. I deleted it. I tried it once and it was not cool x

If you had to choose a type of color that you thought represented yourself, which would it be?

Purple. When anything troublesome or destructive happens, I do not at all take it in a mundane way, I take it with all my knowledge and know-how=)

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Dear everyone! :D

Heey everyone, I missed u alot alott. I'll be back to ask in just a few days, tuesday will be my last exam and I'm officially done with grade 10 and summer will start ^-^ coming soon with all the answers to ur questions inshallah. Pls dont forget to include me in ur prayers.. Again, take care. Love from the uae<3

Remember: Don't allow a loss against an enemy make you insecure enough that you start trying to disrespectfully dominate your friends. (Modification of previous reminder) :)

Mr. Do-do
Well said, thank u:))
Liked by: Mr. Do-do

What is more important yesterday ,today or tomorrow?

Today. Specifically, this moment. Yesterday might ve important but not as today because its actually history, u can change nothing about it. U can plan for tomorrow but u dont know also what the future holds and it might never comes too xx

Do u have facebook?

Dear anon, yes I have fb too! I'm not anti-social. Should I start listing my accounts on all the social websites now!!?

What do you like to do on the weekends?

Partyy or just hang out with my superb cousins, but apparently thats not gonna happen for the coming weekend too, maybe x(

What is something in your room right now that needs to be discarded but having a second thought? :)

angellove14344’s Profile PhotoAngel♥
Mmm I seem to have a pile of clothes that needs to be discarded, Iknw its a very hard task for a girl to cast aside her clothes but I can discard to which is unfitting;p

When a friend walks out of your life, do you go after them or let them go?

ThatsSoMeee’s Profile PhotoElena
Honestly speaking, I would struggle for some time, or maybe for a long time x Its so hard getting over someone u had a vast amount of love for x or the time u feel you wasted if they just exit from ur life but it might be probably for the better x) though, memories with the friend who walked out of ur life will be haunting u at some points xx
Liked by: Elena

How would you describe your version of a perfect home?

Perfect home is a place where my heart is so one family is in<3

How was your day? More love ♥

Dan J.
It was cool yet gloomy! It was awesome because I had the best time with my classmates and all my friends from different grades, partying, dancing, singing, dabkeh, eatingg and everything! I had so much fun. Gloomy because I had to say goodbye for some sweet friends I really hate to say goodbye:( so it was much of farewell party, u knw its the end of the school year, unfortunately xx
Liked by: Dan J.


Language: English