

Ask @Princessasowm

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Good your french is improving un jour tu seras à Paris et une adorable reine :) xxx

aw you think so! thank you so much! I promised myself to master it hopefully after I'm done with school! and Paris! ahh je souhaite que trop. Thankss. Can u speak french?!

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OMG you like high heels! lol just like me, I Followed u and thnx 4 the likes. x

Lol yh, so wat ;p cool<3

How do you celebrate birthday in your country? What cultural events can young people take part in?

I normally celebrate it with the ones I love. I go out with my friends and just have a regular fun time out together and at night we shall have a gathering with my cousins and all my family they sing happy birthday for me, then I cut the cake then I start receiving whatever gift xP then its time to dance a lil bit xD

How do young people spend free time in your country? Do they meet with their friends in the cafe or in the club? Why/Why not?

Yh as u said, they can meet up with their friends in malls, cafes ..etc. why? Because they want to spend time with their friends! They think they'll have fun in that particular place they've chosen

Surprise INCREDIBLY BEAUTIFUL person! Once you get this, you must put it into at least 8 people's asks who deserve it. If you break the chain, nothing will happen, but it is nice to know someone thinks you're SUPER DUPER beautiful inside and out <3 xoxo

Thanks señorita! Love from UAE<3

To say "I love you" and not mean it is one of the worst lies...but do you think someone can say "I love you" too often, even if they really mean it? Do you think it can lose its magic when you say it too often? :) xx

Yes sure as long as he doesn't hurt all the time and make her feel un-special and then at the end of the day he says 'I love u' In contrast she wouldnt believe him ever again! To conclude, I believe love is not just a word to say, but u got to do actions that will prove that u love her. Love will come when u are making her feel special and then u can remind her that u love her by saying 'I love u' or 'This is why I love u' or any such thing ;')

تصیح علی الخیر حبیبتی :)

أصيح!! :'((( طيب ليش :P ..
هههههه شفتي كيف الحرف ممكن يغير معنى الجملة! على العموم وانتي من أهلو مع انو مارح انام هلأ ؛ <3

If you had a boat, what would you name it?

I'm not so good at picking out names :s But I might call it 'Le rêve humide' it means 'The wet dream'

Surprise INCREDIBLY BEAUTIFUL person! Once you get this, you must put it into at least 8 people's asks who deserve it. If you break the chain, nothing will happen, but it is nice to know someone thinks you're SUPER DUPER beautiful inside and out <3 :)x 

Aww Thank u for ur nice words! U are super duper amazing ^*^
Liked by: Argentine

What is Barca?

Barcelona is the capital of Catalonia. It is the second largest city in Spain after Madrid. And its football club called Barcelona or familiarly as Barca<3
Liked by: Eli

What's your earliest childhood memory?

I dont remember my earliest childhood memories but they were all the best since they were with my cousins mostly, I grew up with my awesome, superb cousins, Me being the most naughty, troublemaker kid, yes indeed. Dont blame me I was small :3. On the contrary, the most innocent moment of my childhood was wen I received those 'kids stamp' from my parents, I wad soo excited to bring it the day after to school to show my friends. Ahh good old days..but now I just laugh of how immature I used to be and the moments I was being fooled x

What's one of your favorite 'little things' to enjoy in life?

Hugs are little things that can make ur day get beautiful, it always generates positivity and actually make u feel good, such little thing can make ur mood gets better and better! So don't deprive someone on hope but give them hugs no matter how old are u :D

What's your thoughts on energy healing ?

Dan J.
Umm Visualization as it allows you to direct the energy with your effortless intention alone and about stuff that boost ur energy and such stuff! I suggest u 'Red bull' xD cz I heard that u get so energetic and hyperactive tho I dislike it xD I prefer Ornamin C or Freez =))


Language: English