

Ask @R13Alexander

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THATS THE REASON. you need help. get everyone out of your bio.

Jessica don't you hate me so yeah please just go maybe I'll do it when you all leave me alone okay I don't bother you but you hate me but still say stuff to me ?

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because you're emotionally harming mae. dont you see it or.

Well obviously I see if and I apologize for that I know it's not enough but if you guys keep bringing in back up I'll keep her in there longer it's not like it'll change anything I still follow her so ? Just why are you here Jessica like really why ?

JUST STOP OKAY. DELETE THIS ACCOUNT. get help. please. you tricked us and get mae out of your bio.

Jessica you just stop ! I have people on here (not saying any names that would like me to keep it) so just stop okay why are you even here anyways this has nothing to do.with you so yeah

Yes you are, Youre a lot more hurtful stuff but im not gonna sit here and type it. Just... idek. Take me out soon. kay? goodbye.

Mrs. Brightside ^~^
Yeah I guess. Yeah like I said in the beginning I will IN. TIME. thank you now bye ?

Sweetheart you so come at my boo boo come at me haha whateves bye.

Eww okay I'm not ghetto like that I don't act like that I won't be like "Come to indi bitcb haha boo I beat your ass haha yeah I clock that bitch" please really be classy okay ? So I'll be waiting for you so yeah

My birthday is November 7th and Jasper In. and Frenchlick In.

Ohh you are older whatever age doesn't matter with strength so yeah try and come back to Indiana I don't care ?

Why dose it matter Huh? and I will

Sure tell me when you're in town okay and cause I just want to know my birthday is in Dec

im almost 14 to so i dont wanna hear iy and okay I will(: you wont see it coming.

Lolz haha wow this is going to be hilarious okay come and try to fight me whatever cause I bet you aren't going to do it but yeah . When's your birthday ?

You're a stalker Ebony. Just stahp it. I just dont know what to do with you anymore but youre really fucking creeping me out. Just take me out and leave me alone. Normally i never do this but i am BEGGING you.

Mrs. Brightside ^~^
I'm not a stalker I only stalk the people I like. I may have a crush but I don't stalk you I just have you in my bio. "Stahp" ? :3 yeah I know I probably do but maybe you should just leave me alone I didn't bother you once you keep coming to me so yeah. Ha now you are begging me that's a 1st maybe ?

Keep her in your Bio I darw you trust me you do not want to tempt me i lived in Indiana I can move back and beat your ass... oh wait Id rather not hit a little girl... Thanks for your time.

I'll keep her in my bio cause I really really want you to come back to Indiana Indianapolis like really heat my ass I like to see you try haha really ? I'm the same age as you Luke really haha I'm almost 14 too so yeah thanks for your time !

Ebony, if you do not take me out of your bio by tomorrow, i am going to block you. THANK YOU OH SO FUCKING MUCH!

Mrs. Brightside ^~^
Why don't you block me now I mean ???? But are you threatening me haha really I can just make my real ask and follow you on here ? So welcome


Mrs. Brightside ^~^
Cause I said I would do it in time so please go away you hate me alright I get it . I don't need to be reminded 24/7 okay thank you

But I dont want to be in your bio. I dont want people to know that I even knew you. Look bro, just take me out. I dont need to be in it. Why are you even taking so long to do it? WHY? Because to me it looks like you have no good reason.

Mrs. Brightside ^~^
I know you don't want to be in my bio. Well people are going to know anyways. No you Look Mae, just let me take it down when I want to cause this is obviously not working by asking me. I'm talking so long cause I want to and yeah no good reason
Liked by: Teen Vo9ue

Why do you have to even say "in time" when it takes 5 seconds to backspace shit and save it? Just do it now. Im just looking forward to pretending i dont know you.

Mrs. Brightside ^~^
Why do you even care why don't you just get off this account it like you are stalking it . I say "in time" cause that's when I'll do it . I'm not doing what you say Mae .

EWWWWW!!!! You love mae? And you want to go out wit her? Nasty as hell cunt

Ewwww??? Why the hell do you care ? And yes I love her as a friend but she hates me so ? Yeah if I was as old as her and she didn't hate me ? Well that's not nice lolz

Why am I in your bio still? Like you need to take me out of it. I hate you. I want nothing to do with you. You're a physco! Who ever it was that said you need help was right. So just idk. Just take me out of your bio.

Mrs. Brightside ^~^
Didn't you ask me this before oh yeah you did I said I would (in time) listen Mae okay . I hate you saying these things to be but I deserve it right ? Ha yeah I'm not even going to ask but yeah I will (IN Time)


Language: English