

Ask @R13Alexander

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She won't answer Alex. Message her or something please :'(

Oh gosh okay I'll try if she answers me

thank you and you really don't need to thank me. honestly. and it's stella haha

Okay Stella that's a really pretty name :) I'm Alexander

Remember when you and your friend use to bully me in elementary school ?

No I do not recall bullying anyone in elementary school but I do recall being bullied in elementary. I've never bullied anyone in my entire life I don't stoop that low to their level so please don't call me one it's insulting. And who are you anyways.

but you don't. you deserve to know all of this. there is absolutely no need, whatsoever to thank me. i didn't do anything

You really sweet and but really thank you what's your name ?

You're really sweet :) you just made my whole day. Bless you lol <3

Lol hahaha thanks you're really nice also you've made mine also :)

Aww thank you! :) people always make fun of it tho so yeah ..

Well those people shouldn't cuz it's really nice maybe there just jealous of how beautiful it is :)

hey what did i say? you don't need to thank me. i know i don't know you but im telling you what you should already know. just reading through your answers has shown how amazing you are. no one can take that away from you. and having to deal with all the mean people shows how just how strong you are.

I don't know what to say cuz your told me I don't need to thank you but I do

Thanks haha. Yes it is my name, why wouldn't it be?

I don't know but it's a really adorable name :)

I'm gonna be creepy & say we should meet up soon. Also, I went on a short road trip today & saw someone that looked like you lol J

Lol hahaha cool :)

She told me about you and her texts she sent me

OMG really please tell her to talk to me If she even response to you I really hope she's okay

you don't need to thank me. I'm really happy you're you're fine. I know you don't want me to be sorry but i am. I'm sorry you were treated that way but believe it or not, being treated that way has made you who you are today and you're amazing, if i may say so myself.

Wow thanks your very sweet :)

No just a friend that lives kinda far away.

Oh okay how did you hear about me and her, and that's she thinking about doing that


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