

Ask @R13Alexander

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Yeah I know, but I dont want you to bitch at me...

Oh umm I won't bitch at you ??? Why would I ? Oh are you my little special "anon" ?

Nothing is wrong with it I was wondering... god

No it's okay just sounded weird . You know you don't have to be on anon ?

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Your so fucking fake, I should have Never trusted you I thought you were a guy I was hitting on you. Thats disgusting... Are you like Lesbion or something Wow....

Yeah that's why I told the truth. Yeah umm I should of say it earlier no I should of never listened to my friends. Who are you, you know you don't have to be on anon it's okay . I am not a *lesbian I am bisexual and what if I was what's so wrong about that ?

Kiss me? (Dared to ask this) :P

Ummm okay but are you updated with everything ? *grabs you waist and pulls you close smashing are lips together* *then pulls back letting go of your waist*

How about you all stop giving hate. She came out and told the truth. Leave her the fuck alone. I'm still her bestfriend. I still love her. She's helped me out so much. You all need to fucking stop. I find it amazing that she made an account to help out people. Especially you guys. So grow up. ily♥

Shawna Miller (:
Thank you so much Shawana you are AMAZING ! <3 I love you <3 :)
Liked by: Shawna Miller (:

no that wasnt me but i agree with them.

We're you just staring at my page ...? Cause if you weren't how would you see that ...oh wait you're probably going to say it was on my home page ha okay but yeah I know you agree

Honestly I trusted you and you fucking lied to me what the hell like really you say didn't mean to hurt anyone! You hurt everyone you hurt Mae you hurt Heather you hurt amber and ect... Like how could you hurt any of us like really what the fuck

Is this Jessica ? And honestly you guys don't need to be on anon okay it's cool. I'm so sorry I told the truth cause I knew this was wrong and didn't want to do it anymore but if I didn't tell the truth I would of hurt you a lot more I never should of listen to my friends but yeah some of Tue people you listed forgave me some just hated me but I understand yeah I fucked up big time and I apologize for that.

Okay I have something to tell you all some of you already know or should know . But I just need to get this off my chest okay I'm sick of doing it like this okay here I go . : Like if you read and stuff and you can still ask me questions cause this account will still be active okay

Okay so Alexander is not real well he's the other side to me like your "alter ego". So yeah that's what he is. We both are 13, both bisexual, both think the same, but he's more open minded than me haha I'm crazy so basically we are the same person but different. I'm Ebony hey I'm 13, I don't look like Alexander cause I'm a girl lolz but we have been through some of the same things but he's yeah. I did this cause I was pranking a friend but then you all got into it so heathen it got out of hand like it is now and I just can't do this anymore . I can't lie that Alexander is an actual person . But he is my alter ego . So yeah I am so sorry that this happened I just didn't know how to stop . But I wanted to see how Alexander life would be if he was real I know I hurt a lot of you but I'm guess I'm sick and stuff so yeah it was not my intention to deliberately hurt any of you. Some of you have been really understanding and said with me and Alex ha but some of you probably hate me now but that's okay I understand absolutely . So yeah that's it . I will not disabled this account but I will be making my own in time so yeah . My (Ebony) and somewhat Alexander's kik is still Hikaru16 I will not be changing that cause it was mine before Alex's came into the picture . So yeah. Alexander is not fake he's just not a real person but he exist in my head lolz some of you are probably like "this bitch is crazy" but yeah that's all. Like of you read all of this and comment if you want too. Oh and my Twitter is @EbonyRichards20 so yeah . I think that's all so yeah there it is ! :3

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I honestly can't believe it you're fake and its sad all the people you lied to wow

Yeah I know I'm feel horrible about it I am truly sorry


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