

Ask @R13Alexander

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That hater on anon got me madd >.< If your so brave then come off anon and tell him. Oh wait you cant cause your to much of a pussy. Like shut up. Ignore them alex :DD Your awesome :DD And love, dirty mouth? use orbit ;)

Lol haha thank you Patrick :)

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no problem :) people can be so mean, im beyond sorry. anon, you never wish someone to die. ever. and he doesn't treat everyone like shit. he helps so many people. and that's what's so amazing about him. so don't you dare tell him to die. just leave, and shut up.

Yeah they can and thank you so much ! :)

Okay, wowowow. Your last question about the cancer thing was beyond rude, holy crap. I am so sorry

Yeah some people just don't know when they go too far but it's alright I've been through worse :)

How about you fuckers leave Alex alone? Alex>you. He's actually perfect and actually a really nice person. He does make an effort to talk, so shut your mouths and start being kind >:(

Thank you ! :)

Spam me with likes and then tell me how many you liked, ill like the same of yours

Sure I'll try but I'm kind of busy

Haha, I know a lot of people actually. I know a lot of people who hate you too.

Wow okay cool I know a lot of people too. Why don't you name some ?
Liked by: Zoie (:

I hope you gain Acute Leukemia or Terminal Cancer.

Aww that's soo sweet thank you. I hope you get hit my a bus or even train maybe that would be exciting :)

You know, you parade yourself around as this nice guy but in reality, you're really not. You don't speak to people like you say you do and you barely make any effort.

I don't try to parade myself as a nice person. You don't know me so why don't you shut up. You don't know how I speak to people okay you know nothing. I make a very damn good effort and don't tell me otherwise

(don't hate me if you get this a lot ;-; do you have a kik?

No I don't hate you at all. And yes i do, do you want to know what my username is ? :)


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