

Ask @R13Alexander

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Yeah i am lucky >.< well at least then cunts are afraid of noah ahaha ;) xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Ha yeah but Noah' s not in every class I'm in sooo ? ;/ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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Please please please, report it, alright? This isn't okay at all. I'm a girl, but I swear I'd go over there and beat the shit out of anyone who touches you. I don't know how I'd plan to do that, but I most definitely would. I honestly don't care about me getting hurt, this just needs to stop. F

Thank you but I just can't do it I can't I'm sorry
Liked by: Dejaney McFadden

I'm sorry about your parents! But I wish you the best through out your life :)

I don't really care for my mum anymore but my dad means the world to me he practically saved me ! Thanks
Liked by: Elin Rose Copado

Call the police and report what he did to you

Things that I...it was just horrible. That's another reason me & My dad moved

No father around?

My parents divorced at the age of 8 cause they disagree with me liking the same gender. He accepts me that's why I'm living with him now but they fought for custody for a long time The divorce was final when I was 10 and took him 3 years to get custody of me .

That's hilarious

What how is getting abused from different men that your mum sleeps with because you just are attracted to the same sex and your mum does nothing, hilarious ? It's not funny at all not even a bit

Being 'homophobic' is natural. Being a queer isn't. Your kind are freaks who want to force society to accept your sick perversions. Fuck you.

Oh my gosh you are entertaining very funny. Being judgmental and absolutely rude and horrible to others. No one is "natural" or normal as you call it we all are different and this is how I am different. You say that like we are 'Aliens' from another planet who are trying to take over this world an turn it into a all loving planet or something like that haha. But no we aren't trying to force society we are just asking for some rights here I mean really in some places it just plain out ridiculous . We aren't trying to affect anyone we are just like you but with different feelings so yeah.
Liked by: Lazette Nava

Did they beat you for being a queer?

You know "queer" is just a stupid term they use to call guys who like the same sex . And I think it's just unnecessary just like "beat" yeah its a word but it abused, so yes they did abuse me because I was attracted to the same sex .

Homophobic means you are afraid of queers. I'm not scared of them, I just hate them. Only losers like that gay band.

Homophobia -a range of negative attitudes and feelings towards lesbian, gay, bisexual, and in some cases transgender and intersex people and behaviour.(Homophobic) Wow that's sad really really sad I didn't ask you to like me I didn't ask for you to accept me so I really don't give 2 fucks . Well then most of the world must he losers then ! Haha
Liked by: syddniiee

Your mum's a cheap whore, haha. How many boyfriends has she had?

I really don't care what you say about her cause she is a cheap whore you also forgot ratchet and I don't know how many they all did the same beat the shit out of me

The perfume that One Direction have? Are you a fucking faggot?

Ummm Yes the One direction ! <3 haven't you realized I'm bisexual so yeah I'm bi but not a faggot are you a homophobic ? :O lolz


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