

Ask @R13Alexander

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But he's hot af xD you're still lucky :)

itsamberyay’s Profile PhotoAmber
Haha I agree with you but sometimes I want to strangle him for no reason lol that's just me ~ Noah

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Okay people really leave Noah and Alexander a lone god please just stop they don't need hate !! At all they are both amazing and just stop with the fucking hate okay? Okay thanks.

Aww thank you, you are sooo sweet ! \(^-^)/ ~ Noah

if you are "Noah" prove it. should be easy.

Yeah it's would be easy but I'm not proving anything to you fucking ass holes and I never will. You guys are really pissing me off ! ~ Noah

I love seeing alex upset. it makes me jizz

Ewww what the fuck!!! See Alexander upset makes you "jizz" that's the most disgusting thing I've ever heard and I've heard a lot I mean what ??? Ugh! ~ Noah

You're a good for nothing joke. You're pretending to be someone you're not to seek attention. Alex is a fucking freak, who believe's he's a know it all child. He's a fucking joke. No one wants him. I'm glad he was crying.

But jokes are funny sooo...I'm not pretending what is all this HATE coming from you all are a bunch of loser who have nothing else to do I mean seriously get a life. He's not a freak how is he a freak. He doesn't know everything and he knows he doesn't so fuck off. He's not a joke. I want him. That's fucking sick you cunt just leave.! ~ Noah

Haha that's another fail for Alex then because I'm not called Jake at all. Funny that. Alex is a fucking freak

Freak what the fuck so you aren't the guy from kik he was talking about my bad it's hard when haters don't give us a hint of who they are. Soo

Okay me and Alexander will be back ! :) ~ Noah

So if you have any questions for me just ask and if you're a hater then Just fill his ask box with it and I'll deal with you all later okay see yeah ! :) lol haha
Liked by: I'm a banana❤

im annoying? says who? the nobody that is "Noah" sket.

Umm like I said Alexander was having a bad day yesterday so I am answering all his questions ??? I'm not sket for your information .
Liked by: I'm a banana❤

yeaaaaaaaaaaaah. i know that you are exactly like him. you type and respond exactly like him, who the fuck is getting taken in by that.

Umm okay you study the way Alexander types that's kind of creepy but...Um yeah who is this ??? O_o ~ Noah
Liked by: I'm a banana❤


Language: English