

Ask @R13Alexander

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Well dispite a cool random chat on ask. i am gunna go to sleep so i will see ya later.

Hehehe oh okay good night sleep well !!! See yeah :)

I think i was 11 or 12 cause i remember watching phineas and ferb when it happened so it was after that show came out :-)

Hahaha okay nice :)

Its ok. i have got over it. it was over 3 years ago. i am so deverstated when pets die. sorry i cant spell :-)

Okay. Yeah but you can still remember. How old were you ? So am I and yeah I'm not the spelling wizard so don't worry :)

I dunno i went out to feed it and it was laying there dead half under the cage int the pen so i ran inside crying and my mam had to ring my dad to come home and take it away.

Awww that's soo sad :'( I'm sorry !

Good lol. i had a rabbit when i was 11 and when it died i cried :-C . i know they're cute cause my sis has one but i cant stay there for to long cause it makes me itchy

Hehe yeah. Awww how did it die ? :( . Hehe yeah and that sucks I just sneezes a lot when I'm around rabbits :3

Why don't u have a Skype. U should get one

Ha yeah I had one but I got too much.....stuff yeah so my dad told me to delete the app so haha too bad for me :P

i am alergic to them :-( tbh they are probs more manly than me lol

Awww but they are sooo CUTE. I'm allergic to bunnies but I have one!!! x) and manliness doesn't matter to me ? :3

No no no I am just manly :-P no cuteness cause it makes me sound like a kitten lol

Haha fine your manly :) cuteness = kittens hehe I love kitties :3 - Meow - :3

Omfg really lol why? you were one of the first people i follow on ask lol. so i am still gunna fan girl.

Lolz haha yes really I dint know I just will okay ! :) I was awww that's sweet and CUTE ! x)

haha. let me just fan girl cause you follow me lol jk. awww ta :-)

Haha no need to fan girl I'm not awesome or anything lolz ! x) but I'll fan girl cause your follow me :P


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