

Ask @R13Alexander

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Hi! :) I'm literally just starting out with this new page. Basically what I do is help anyone and everyone with anything they're having trouble with. Self harm, depression, etc. You sharing this would be so helping that way more people know about it. So if you could, that'd be so amazing.

Admire to Inspire
Okay I will :)
Liked by: Admire to Inspire

Am too. You're just too nice to admit it. So. Noooo nope nope. Hehe. I honestly dont understand why you think im gorgeous tho...

Mrs. Brightside ^~^
Am not. I am not that nice okay and I would do that. Yessssssss yeah yeah. Lol ha. I honestly don't understand why you don't think your gorgeous tho…

Noooooooooooooooooooo, ha. I'll try my hardest I promise. Pinky promise cuz everyone knows you cant break a pinky promise. (: Im not gorgeous. And i definitely am horrendous. and other words.

Mrs. Brightside ^~^
Yeeeeeesssssssssssssssssssss, ha. okay I hope you do. Lol haha yeah you can't. You are gorgeous. You are definitely I promise you not horrendous. And other words.

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Noooo. hah and i dont want you sad cuz i get hurt. I'ld feel guilty. :) That wouldnt be good. Im not gorgeous. Im horrendous.

Mrs. Brightside ^~^
Yessssssss. Lol and and if you don't want to feel guilty, try not to get hurt. Yeah it wouldn't be good. You are very gorgeous. You are definitely not horrendous.

Oh. Lol. Well theres a problem with that... Im not gorgeous. so Noooooooo hah lol. Idk. I might not get that hurt...

Mrs. Brightside ^~^
Lol haha oh okay. And there's no problem cause you are gorgeous. So Yessssssssssssss lol ha. You better not get hurt or that would be saddening. Idk :)

Mmkay. A bat? Heck yeah. Haha my dude friend would hold and skip circles around my ex singin you're gonna get it. Haha ok lol. Thanks. He's just stupid. Im not sure if i'll be ok but i mean, whatever happens happens.

Mrs. Brightside ^~^
Good. And I really hope you'll be alright.! Xxx :)

Why cant guys like you live where i am? ha. I've punched him straight in his face many times. I can kick his ass. But hes so scary. And i have many male friends that could help too...but im scared :'(

Mrs. Brightside ^~^
Well then your just going to have to carry a bat around with you and if he tries something hit him. And kick his ass until he learns your not the person to mess with. Take a male friend with you tell them all about you exs and ask them for help. And don't be scared okay love you'll be fine :)

How did you tell your family you were bisexual? Because I'm really scared of doing it!!

Well I was 12 wen I did it and I just said it randomly at the dinner table, they tell me it's just a faze but I don't and won't believe them. And don't think of it as a sexuality okay it's what you are. My saying is "It doesn't matter what's in your pants if I like you I like you" okay have some courage and stay strong okay cause it might get rough along the way but remember the ones that love you the most will always be there for you. So will I if you need anymore advise or a question world just someone to talk to alright :)

My ex. He wont leave me alone. :'( we argued last night and he grabbed my arm and he yelled at me a lot.

Mrs. Brightside ^~^
Wow. Omg okay Umm well stay away from him. Wen you go out have a friend or even better a male friend with you so if you see him you won't be alone and the male friend can protect you. And don't let him out his hands on you. If he does and if it ends up as a fight beat his ass with anything you have kick him. Okay


Language: English