

Ask @R13Alexander

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Oh...Alex, Alex, Alex... You just don't stop. One question. How many times are you going to try to make me jealous, I mean 1st amber, then Sommer, Then Mae, Then Jessica, then Kaylee, then Sophie, and Now http://img2.ask.fm/assets/262/156/995/normal/tumblr_mqf5jwroi51r5g4xxo1_500.jpg like really

No like really what do you.mean how am I making you jealous by talking to people who is this Jessica ??? Just what's your problem person ?

How do anons manage to ruin my life :"(

The hater kind of anons have no life so they are all up in yours looking and thinking about a weak spot you have and striking it. It's not cool so just don't listen to those ass holes and take your anonymous off and see if they say anything else probably not cause they are all cowards that need to fuck off ! And if you need anymore help just talk to me okay

Sowwie for calling you a faggot :( Hope I didn't make you upset

No it's okay I just don't like the word ans how people use it. You didn't make me upset. Oh and plus I liked more of your questions
Liked by: Sophie❤


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