

Ask @SkepticalRoot

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Has 2020 made a big impact in your life in any way?

Not especially, but I have had the chance to work for home more. It was a model our organization was slowly moving towards in some way anyway, but was experiencing some resistance from more traditionalists in management.
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Donald J Trump has been married to his wife for 70 years, Melania. What a great man.

Not really a question, but he'd have to have married his current wife when he was 4, and twenty years before his (third) wife was born in order for that to be true.

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I want to go back to paper ballots in US elections. Do you agree ?

Paper ballots are not any more secure than electronic ones, and most systems have electronic and paper records. I don't mind paper ballots, but I'd prefer more electronic voting.

what are you allergic to?

Nothing that I can think of. I did once have a reaction to a deodorant that I used - caused a huge rash under both my armpits - but that was in high school.

Do you wear Christmas sweaters?

Krissy Kitten
I don't wear sweaters in general. I sued to not be a fan because they would mess up my hair when I took them off (if I got hot), an now that I shave my head, they just aren't in my wardrobe at all. I'm the same way with pull-on hoodies and sweatshirts and only wear ones with a full zipper.

What are your plans for the day?

Shovel the driveway again, take a nap (hopefully) and play some video games with my kids.

Does what they say about your zodiacal sign generally match your personality?

I am a poor match for my sign's description.

What NFL player in your dreams are you? The NFL player I am in my dreams is definitely quarterback Andy Dalton.

Chris Smolik
I spend more time taking online psych quizzes than I do watching or thinking about the NFL.

Socks or no socks?

Juicey2sweet’s Profile PhotoCubanCakez
Socks, often (not when sleeping though). My wife likes to keep the house cooler than I prefer, so my feet can get a little chilly in the house.

What is the last thing you downloaded onto your computer?

SQL server 2017, maybe. Or, maybe it was a Java SDK. I don't recall.


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