

Ask @SkepticalRoot

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I have a feeling covid19 will affect many people and cause then to go through depression, more than Christmas this year, what do you think?

I think the combination of the two may make things way harder on some and easier on others.

What does it mean to just be me?

I means to do what you want, act how you want, say what you want to say, enjoy the things that you want to enjoy, and don't worry about other people's opinions of that deter you from it.

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How do I tell me friends I want to be included

Ask if it would be alright if you joined them in - whatever. Or say "hey, that sounds like fun, maybe I could join you next time" if its a thing that's happened in the past.

Do you believe the wealthy will create more jobs for locals if they have to pay more in taxes or will they farm the work out to other countries, again?

Yes, history has shown that for most businesses, higher taxes leads to more growth. It's easier to reduce tax burdens by reducing profit through reinvestment than relocating or shifting finances overseas.
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If you knew you had one day to live, how would you spend it?

Depends on how I know I have one day to live. My day would be different if, say, someone was hired to kill me vs. being pinned under a boulder while slowly bleeding out.

Are you the type of person to wait until 01/01 to start on the new year resolution?

I don't make New Years resolutions. If I need to do something different, now is the time to start it, not at some arbitrary date.

Are you a Democrat, Republican, or just not interested in politics at all?

I align more with the Democratic party on most issues, but have a libertarian streak when it comes to some things.

Have you ever counted the calories in what you eat?

Not really, but I've meal prepped and counted them before hand so that I knew what I was eating.

Do you eat food that’s past its expiration date if it still smells and looks fine?

Yes, all the time. I hate wasting food, and most dates on food aren't expiration dates.


Language: English