

Ask @SkepticalRoot

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Do you think Covid-19 will be over by next year?

I think we will likely be more normal by next year, but next fall/winter will still be a time to be more cautious than in other years.

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I find planets interesting. But which to colonize?

Mars is the closest and most likely habitable. Next in the solar system would be Europa (which is a moon, I know) but is mostly covered in water ice.

A witch has cast a spell on you turning you into an inanimate, non-electronic object for a year. To be changed back into human form before the year is up, you need to be able to get at least a hundred people to touch you. What inanimate object would you be? 🤔

edraegen’s Profile Photoʎǝɹɟɟǝſ™
The front door of a Starbucks. I probably wouldn't have to be an inanimate object for an entire day.

do you have phopia from ... ?

I'm a little afraid of heights and very enclosed places, but I can manage both of them well enough.

اذا كان عندك ٣٠ مليون دولار ؟ ماهي اول خطوة تفعلها ؟

₣Ø₳Ƶ ..ⓓ.. 2021
أولاً ، سأدفع جميع ديوني ، ثم سأستثمر الكثير من الباقي في المستقبل.

How many people with the same name as you do you know?

Outside my family? I've met two people who I wasn't related to that had the same last name in my life.

Anyone else think when they look at their friends social media you’re like: WTF?! Is going on with everyone?

I mean, years ago, maybe. But it's been a slow escalation to today. The wheels didn't just fall off out of nowhere, they've been loose and wobbly for a while.

Are you good at drawing?

I used to draw more, but I never felt like I was that good at it. I wasn't horrible, but I was my own worst critic sometimes.

what would you do if you was paying child support for a kid you found out that ain’t even yours ? How would you feel ? What would you do in that situation?

It would depend on a lot of things, like my relationship with the mother and child, how much I was paying and my own financial situation, and how long I'd been doing it for (among other things).

Do you really think wearing a mask is taking rights away?

No. If we'd all wear masks like adults we wouldn't be in such dire straights now with the pandemic as we are now.
Liked by: meandmeonly2

How has the pandemic affected your exercise routine?

It has, for the most part, derailed it. And I've had a hard time getting back into it, but I keep trying. I think I need to revamp everything.

Marvel or DC ?

Marvel has more characters I like. the main DC guys are cool though, but they are more of a pantheon of legends, where even with the Omega level mutants in Marvel, there is still a lot of humanity.


Language: English