

Ask @TheGoddessOfLife

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Wanna make plans?

I already have plans..*Toriel said as she was still healing @GrimReaping though it was very concerning how Reapers injuries don't seem to be recovering very much*..How much damage was done to you..? You should have told someone you were injured earlier..it wouldn't have gotten this severe if you had..
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*Geno sits with Reaper, letting the Death god rest his skull in his lap, Geno gently holds one of Reaper's hands and just reassures him*

DontcallmeSans’s Profile Photo⟥G▫e▫n▫o⟤
*Aw**Toriel was trying to do her best to heal Reaper but his injuries are so severe..she may need to call for someone to help her, Asgores healing magic is just as powerful as Toriels if not more, she's thinking on whether or not she should ask him to help*
+6 answers in: “Life!? *The half dead glitch sounds like he's in a near panic* We need help, badly!”

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*Reaper held onto Geno as best as he could given he had only one working arm, his breathing had became raspy and his eye looked faded*...G-Geno..*He wasnt using Genos pet name, "Love" either..these were all very bad signs*

*Toriel sighed and gently pulled Reapers hand off Geno so Geno was able to set him down as Toriel began to heal him*...Don't worry, Geno is just stepping outside for a moment, he's still right there..
+6 answers in: “Life!? *The half dead glitch sounds like he's in a near panic* We need help, badly!”

Life!? *The half dead glitch sounds like he's in a near panic* We need help, badly!

DontcallmeSans’s Profile Photo⟥G▫e▫n▫o⟤
What's the matter..!? *Toriel picked up on how panicked Geno sounded and headed over to see why and she was honestly very stunned to see him carrying Reaper, usually it was reversed* What on earth happened..!?
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Ink had nothing to do with the creation of Deltarune and it's respective multiverse whatsoever. I did. As for Toxintale, it is not unusual for an AU not made by Ink to pop up since like flowers, timelines can spawn new versions of themselves through seeds of coding they no longer require.

EntryNumber17’s Profile PhotoW. D. Gaster
I honestly didn't know any of that..so Ink may very well not be responsible for all the AUs that appear? I hope you don't let him know that, he feels hes uneeded if AUs can spawn on their own which is the exact opposite, we need someone like Ink to keep a eye on the various AUs that appear..and your responsible for Deltarune?

You're right about all of that, yet now there's a whole new multiverse with AUs being created that I have nothing to do with and AUs show up here and I didn't help create them.. am I... not needed anymore?

hewhocannotfeelcreates’s Profile PhotoInk
Ink, are you sure it's not your memory playing tricks on you? From what I know, your the only one who creates AUs, maybe you forgot about some you created, your always needed even if nobody says it out loud, your very important not only because you create AUs but you have a lot of people who care about you
+8 answers in: “Howdy! *The sickly flower rasps, thin veins of toxin drooling from his mouth*”

I was? I actually didn't have anything to do with the creation of that timmeline... what I know about it I've learned from observation or things Allura has said. But Aus being created without my help?

hewhocannotfeelcreates’s Profile PhotoInk
You didn't help create her timeline? That's a bit..strange.. you usually help create all the AUs that come into existence, I think you even helped with ours so there would be balance in the multiverse
+8 answers in: “Howdy! *The sickly flower rasps, thin veins of toxin drooling from his mouth*”

Easy way to tell with Ink, look at his eyes, if they're colorful and the pupils keep changing shape he's fine if they're small white circles he's colorless

Thank you for telling me, I'll keep a good eye on him from now on whenever he visits *Toriel laughed a bit*

You mean my paint? I don't know why everyone calls it medication, I mean to everyone else it's just paint. For me it's how I feel emotions... uhm what was I trying to talk about?

hewhocannotfeelcreates’s Profile PhotoInk
Well you answered your own question, you see, in your case it's considered medicine since it helps you, it allows you to feel which is important and you were telling me about Alluras timeline
+8 answers in: “Howdy! *The sickly flower rasps, thin veins of toxin drooling from his mouth*”

Actually Their Alphys and Gaster were atteming to cure Toxintale of the illness that had raveged monsterkind since the war, but instead of curing it they exacerbated it causing half the population to dust within mere days. Allura was their failed cure

hewhocannotfeelcreates’s Profile PhotoInk
..Are you saying they used Allura in a attempt to cure the disease in their AU? I had no idea the entire AU is diseased!
+8 answers in: “Howdy! *The sickly flower rasps, thin veins of toxin drooling from his mouth*”

Yes. Allura abandoned us for Horrortale, so now everything's slowly rotting away. If it weren't for me and Gaster, there'd be no timeline left.

ToxintaleFlowey’s Profile PhotoToxin!Flowey
So ToxinTale is the name of Alluras timeline? Your from her timeline? I don't think she abandoned you, she has a family to take care of
+2 answers in: “You can't save me, kiddo. Can't fix what's permanently broken. Everything else in Toxintale is dying anyways... I'll be all that's left. Take my advice, friend: cherish what you have while you still have it. You never know when it might be gone.”

You can't save me, kiddo. Can't fix what's permanently broken. Everything else in Toxintale is dying anyways... I'll be all that's left. Take my advice, friend: cherish what you have while you still have it. You never know when it might be gone.

ToxintaleFlowey’s Profile PhotoToxin!Flowey
..That is just...terrible to say, are you sure there's nothing I can do for you? Did you say ToxinTale..??
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