

Ask @TheGoddessOfLife

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"It's also perfectly normal to have NO partners, you judge my lifestyle, I judge yours. Also I can easily take over your duties, FOR EXAMPLE while you were busy flirting I brought @GothsOfDeath back from the dead."

onryotatarigami’s Profile PhotoNova
A-ahem..Nova dear..while I do hold respect for you..your definitely trying my patience right now..you better not dare of thinking to take my job..none of the other Gods here will allow that either! I was a bit side tracked but I would have tended to Goth a-and it was not due to flirting! I have duties I get busy with!

Calm down . *gives her a kiss on the cheek aw*

mushroomoctopus’s Profile PhotoDevi
O-oh my!! *Oh God--xD**Lifes face turns golden as she started blushing* Dear! Don't you think it's a bit too soon to do that!? *She is a Tsundere Luke Geno--*

"Oh I'm not interested whatsoever, Asexual remember? You however are a documented THOT so..."

onryotatarigami’s Profile PhotoNova
A-ahem..excuse me but..I should point out that here, it is perfectly normal to have multiple partners..
I wouldn't advise calling me a "Thot" dear, this "thot" has aided you and many others for a long time now..*Life gave a glare-oh boy*

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"Wonder if he has more tentacles than just the two on his back" *. . . I don't even*

onryotatarigami’s Profile PhotoNova
What--*Lifes face had turned a golden yellow due to her blushing* What are you talking about!?
Liked by: Nova

That is true. Everywhere can be dangerous but I feel safe here with you. *smiles warmly *

mushroomoctopus’s Profile PhotoDevi
*That caused the Goddess to blush before laughing a bit* I would hope so or it wouldn't be a fun Life to have here dear, you should take Life with caution however~

In a way yes. We live basically as long as their are is nourishing soil to live in/on we can live indefinitely. There are ways to k!ll us but it's quite challenging being we can regenerate off of even the smallest mushroom crumb!

mushroomoctopus’s Profile PhotoDevi
So in a way, you really are similar to us only we don't live off soil, not like that, we do eat food that soil provides but we are immortal and like you, while there are ways to kiII us as well, it isn't that easy to accomplish--at any rate, it is still nice to meet someone else similar to us! I do hope nothing happens to you during your stay here, this multiverse can be very dangerous at times

My kind is very old some of us have been around since the beginning of humanity. So compared to them I'm young. *smiles warmly * You dont look a day over 100! *aw*

mushroomoctopus’s Profile PhotoDevi
You flatter me dear *Life let out a slight giggle, covering her mouth with one hand* but you sound very similar to all of us here, are you mushrooms immortal by chance?

I'm about 200. I've been around for a while.. I'm still pretty young for a mushroom person. *they blush embarrassed *

mushroomoctopus’s Profile PhotoDevi
Oh..*Life laughs and puts a hand on his cheek* I suppose your only as young as you feel, the rest of your kin are much older then? I'm around your age dear but I consider myself a old woman~

You can say I'm lost but... I wouldnt mind staying here for a bit if you are here. *winks playfully *

mushroomoctopus’s Profile PhotoDevi
*Life caught the wink and started laughing* Oh my! You couldn't be--are you really flirting with me? How old are you dear? *He would have to be at least 100 to 500 years old for Life to date him*
Liked by: Devi

They're calling this month reapmember to give Reaper a month of his own have fun with this knowledge~

*Lifes eye twitches xD* Why would anyone want to celebrate Death of all people!? Have they lost their minds!?

Thank you for being so thoughtful. *kisses her hand aw*

mushroomoctopus’s Profile PhotoDevi
Oh my! It's nice someone sees that for a change, someone with good manners might I add, a-ahem, it's really no problem dear! I worry about everyone who comes here! *Life just smiles* Now, Devi was it? Did you happen to be lost to end up here?
Liked by: Devi

Also are you gonna revive @GothsOfDeath or are you expecting Nova to do that too

Excuse you! Mind your manners anon! I will help the child but I have some other pressing matters to tend to as well! *Cough-flirting with mushroom boy-cough*
Liked by: Nova Devi

"Oh he didn't actually SEE anything" *she spreads a wing and uses it to show how she blocked the perv's view of her chest* "Wings are pretty Handy"

onryotatarigami’s Profile PhotoNova
That's a relief then..otherwise I think I would have murdered Death..since he was being possessed that means he would have seen what X-Chara saw..

"Not Reaper's fault, and I split their souls apart before anything could happen. Look ;if you've got it, flaunt it.' I could use lust against him so I did. It was the safest way of getting close without ending up in a fight" *Life just jealous she isn't simped over*

onryotatarigami’s Profile PhotoNova
But it cost you your dignity..I would never do such a thing..there's no reason to expose yourself like that..*Let's hope Life doesn't hear the mods comments or she might burn us--*

I sorta just popped out of ground ending up here. I'm a mushroom person it's kinda I power I have to appear in places through the earth/dirt. *they points the hole they emerged from*

mushroomoctopus’s Profile PhotoDevi
Mushroom..? Your a mushroom monster of sorts then? Just be careful when appearing in my garden then dear, I wouldn't want you or the plants here to be harmed!

*nods* I'm just suprised by your beauty Life. *aw*

mushroomoctopus’s Profile PhotoDevi
*Asgore: You wat mah boi--xD*
*Life just smiles* Aw, why thank you dear, but may I ask how you got here? I do hope it isn't due to you passing on to the next Life *she laughed a but at her own pun*

"I also had to sacrifice some dignity as I used the Ghost brat's lust against him, the sight of me topless from behind, and he ran right into my trap"

onryotatarigami’s Profile PhotoNova
You..why on earth did you do that!? I would have never done anything like that! You shouldn't have to do anything like that either dear! That is truly awful! I should slap that child! Wait..if he was possessing Death..that means..OH MY! *Life actually blushes out of embarrassment* I WILL SLAP DEATH LATER!!

"XChara, the kid behind the X-Events was possessing Reaper, it could have been FAR worse. Like END OF THE MULTIVERSE worse."

onryotatarigami’s Profile PhotoNova
That would explain why the idiot flirted with me..he was being possessed like the incident with Hatred.. how in the world did he get possessed by X-Chara though!? He's that incompetent of a God he would let anyone control him!? I should punch him!
Liked by: Nova

I'm Devi..! And you are...? *devi blushes looks like they got a crush on life Oh no*

mushroomoctopus’s Profile PhotoDevi
*Oh boy XD* Devi? I am Toriel but most call me Life or Tori, this place your in is called ReaperTale, it's where most monsters and humans end up when they..pass on.. most can't get here unless they pass on or get sent here in some way, here I'm known as the Goddess of Life..But.. are you alright? You look a bit red
Liked by: Devi


Language: English