

Ask @TheGoddessOfLife

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"I'm not doing the same thing I did for Shadow, this is a far more refined version of the spell. . . . I. . . I missed Shadow too much, I brought him back before I'd perfected the formulae and brought him back with issues. This version will revive them exactly as they were before death"

Stoicviolet’s Profile PhotoVio
Oh..that does explain a bit..it's alright dear, I think if anything happened to the ones I hold dear, I'd do the same thing in your position..*Goat mom puts a hand on Vios shoulder* if I was even able to that is, I can't use dark magic.. it puzzles me how a being with light magic can use dark magic though.. I sense light magic coming from you..
..I wonder if the God of Magic could explain it.. how do you feel about coming with me to visit him later? *Reaper: internal screaming*

Yeah my injuries should start healing now that I have color back in my system... my chest hurts though and I don't understand it. It hurts worse when I think about Error *he feels betrayed but can't identify it*

hewhocannotfeelcreates’s Profile PhotoInk
Color? *Toriel seems a bit confused by that but Ink not being able to understand what hes feeling let her know he might be like Reaper* ..You don't have emotions do you? ..I think you feel hurt since..weren't you and Error friends at one point?
+12 answers in: “@PuppetMasterSans might have left @hewhocannotfeelcreates to dust, last anyone saw Ink he was still unconscious in the mouth of Error's blaster beast, but then Error sent him away somewhere...”

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she is capable of it. Normally she won't because she considers it abhorrent. But there's a sickness called The Hunger... if she's infected with that.....

..I know about the hunger since that was a timeline Reaper absolutely refused to reap Souls in, he seemed afraid to go there..he said something about the monsters there eating everything in sight but what's surprising is..it sounds like he was telling the truth if others are mentioning it, I thought he made that up in order to slack off
+2 answers in: “How would you feel about a being that actually ATE souls?”

Man for a Goddess of Life you are all up totes unrad about a lot of living things yo

NinetiesNightmare’s Profile PhotoFresh
*Omg XD I love your Fresh Sans*
Excuse me..!? Mod how could you betray me!?
*Sorry lol*
-_- anyway for your information, Fresh, I just have a thing against living abominations against nature like you, Death..Nightmare..
+17 answers in: “*Papyrus suddenly reforms out of nowhere, his arms flailing wildly as he crawls out of bed, slams everyone present into the wall and scribbles various symbols onto the walls in a language even Alphys and Gaster don't know before collapsing and returning to dust, uttering gibberish as he does so*”

*When she flicked the Raven it turned back into the highly confused teen, who brings a hand up to cover his flicked nose* "Alright for the future I need ta be more careful shapeshifting around y'all, dat hurt."

forgottenfifth’s Profile PhotoShadow
What in the-!? *Life was startled when she saw it wasn't who she thought it was* Shadow? Why in dear heaven were you in that form!? I didn't realize you and Death both choose to use birds! Anymore in common with him and I might start to have problems with you..
Sorry about flicking you dear..I thought you were someone else

Frisk may have been the one that dusted me and my timeline but it was Chara their damn ghostly companion who even came up with the idea. "Hey Frisk you know it's not like we just can't erase the damage we do later why don't we try something new? See what happens? Why don't we try killing them?"

DontcallmeSans’s Profile Photo⟥G▫e▫n▫o⟤
Chara was a ghostly being in your timeline and was telling your Frisk to.. I am so very sorry..I suppose even in other timelines or AUs Chara really can't be helped.. *Toriel then hugs Geno*
+8 answers in: “Howdy!”

"I can become just about anythin, I'll often pose as Vi or da other Colors ta mess wit people." *right mentioning Vio is probably gonna put Life in lecture mode*

forgottenfifth’s Profile PhotoShadow
Actually..speaking of that, we need to have a chat you and I, Shadow, I heard about your plans with Vio, how your going to pull the same actions that Death has..and make Vio immortal but what you don't understand is, what if Vio doesn't wish to be immortal? He would end up watching your friends pass away and not only that but..depending on how your powers work, you could cause Vio to suffer for all eternity, look at what Death has done with Geno for instance, he had no idea his powers would trap someone in the last injured state they were in.. now Geno goes about struggling for all eternity in constant pain and anguish..do you really want this for Vio? What if your powers have some negative effect on him? He isn't built like you dear, he can't handle the same things you can

*A Raven lands on Life's windowsill, she's gonna confuse him for Reaper isn't she*

forgottenfifth’s Profile PhotoShadow
*Yes, yes she is, well the only person she knows that likes to turn into a raven is Reaper so--random fun fact, Life likes to turn into a butterfly and can summon butterflies and wild animals to her by singing, when you hear her sing, you feel happy, calm and at peace, but if Reaper is ever heard singing, it feels like a bad omen, your put on edge and feel a sense of dread, which is why he doesn't really sing often*
*Anyway, Life noticed the bird and she flicks the raven in its beak*
Great, just what I needed..a visit from Death yet again.. can't you see I'm a bit busy?
*Shadow and Reaper could be brothers with how similar they are xD*


OmnipotentSkeleton’s Profile PhotoBill!Sans
Oh dear Asgore..he's as awful as Fresh! *ouch lol*
+17 answers in: “*Papyrus suddenly reforms out of nowhere, his arms flailing wildly as he crawls out of bed, slams everyone present into the wall and scribbles various symbols onto the walls in a language even Alphys and Gaster don't know before collapsing and returning to dust, uttering gibberish as he does so*”

"In our world Light and Dark magic aren't so rigidly defined as in yours, A Hylian, a being of light like myself can learn Dark magic, in fact I had an inherent ability with dark magic. If you look at Shadow you'll sense he has light inside of him, because he has light leaning morals."

Stoicviolet’s Profile PhotoVio
*I don't know why but this made me think of Harry Potter xD just put a wizard robe on Vio and glasses-*
Maybe I won't have to ask Gaster after all, I think you just explained it..
Though..I wonder if that's possible here.. our light and dark magic might be more defined here but.. if someone like Shadow is capable of having light.. I wonder if the same could be said for the other dark beings that reside here..Death and his brothers..*She looks over her shoulder at Reaper and Geno*

"I'm guessing you're sensing my Dark magic. I'm here for the same reason you are, to bring someone back. Someone that would be lost to the magic of your Multiverse."

Stoicviolet’s Profile PhotoVio
Oh..but.. forgive me for saying this but ..how on earth are you capable of doing that dear? I understand you were able to bring Shadow back using your worlds magic but..you think the same thing you did for Shadow would work here as well? But..even if it does work..would the monster in question have to resort to drinking blœd like Shadow in order to recover? ..
..Also..how is it possible for someone who has light magic to have dark magic as well? I can't mix my light magic with Deaths dark magic.. *Life might just confuse everyone in the room-*

*Life can sense Vio is a being of Light, yet he also has currents of darkness flowing through him*

Stoicviolet’s Profile PhotoVio
..Forgive me dears but..should I ask why you and Shadow are here? Are you visiting? I was called by Sans to--*Life then pauses after sensing something she didn't notice before* ..ah..no..that..can't be right..

"I'll be honest, I'm not comfortable wit it either." *his ears drop* "Usually Vi or Red forces me ta drink their blood to recover if I'm dat badly hurt. Normally I'll heal up on my own, but if da injuries are bad enough and I'm weakened from light badly enough..."

forgottenfifth’s Profile PhotoShadow
..I understand it's in order to save your life but ...what if it takes theirs instead..? This is..blœd ..we're talking about.. it keeps mortals like Vio and your friends alive.. they need it just to function.. where you do not.. it isn't really the safest thing for them to do but..I wouldn't want you dying either..there's no other way to save you when you get injured like that?

*she's sent him into a depressive spiral, he draws away from her hugging himself tightly* "He was right, everyone will abandon me in the end, no one could love a monster like me, I'm just a pathetic reflection of a Hylian of course they don't want me..."

forgottenfifth’s Profile PhotoShadow
What? *Life just sounds confused now-oof poor Shadow* No one said such things dear, all I'm saying is your plan is all wrong to do, look at Death for example, he didn't heed any warnings he was given and now Geno suffers each day.. you shouldn't cause others to suffer with you..it will be painful to lose them but think of all the pain you'd cause them to force them to watch others die around them..it's not that they don't care about you, it's that there's more than just you they care about
*Life-not helping-*

Weren't you going to yell at Shadow about Vio?

*She's way ahead of you anon-*
Excuse me both of you but it isn't "yelling" it's talking common sense into him so he doesn't ruin Vios life and so he doesn't break the rules of life and death, bad enough OUR Death has already..

**it's not totally fair to blame the guy for doing the job he was created for. That be like blaming you for giving life to your Chara to begin with. I mean if you hadn't made her a living being none of this would have happened either... I'm in pain... I'll fight the hatred as best I can though**

onryotatarigami’s Profile PhotoNova
'..I guess you have a point...I wish I knew a way to cure the Hatred for you but.. I currently don't know any way to do so.. I might have to ask Alphys if she knows anything..'
+1 answer in: “oh jeez Nova's gonna lose it like Reaper does? No way that's good. I actually saw what happened, she tried working for Chara while actually working against her, Chara caught her 'treachery' though and impaled the hybrid's soul with her scythe...”

*From the shadow cast behind Life, a hand of pure darkness emerges holding a syringe, he nails her right in the femoral artery with a powerful sedative, one that should work even on Life. The hand dissipates back into regular shadows before she can see it*

forgottenfifth’s Profile PhotoShadow
What in the-!? *Life then falls over-oof xD can't say she didn't have it coming tho*


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