
Zoë Managh

Ask @Zoemanagh

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Do you mind stop spamming my news feed with this shit? I honestly don't give a flying fuck if somebody is being mean too wee Zoe.

Aw, delete me then.

You don't intend to? Aye you definatly aren't disrespectful hunny. But now all these little girls that pretend to be your friends are going to 'stand up' for you, because I'm 'talking shit' or 'being mean'. While they actually talk worse shit behind your back.


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Zoe why do you hate Catholics so much when some of your friends are catholic there are only people like you and me. A lot of this stuff between Protestant and Catholics happened a long time ago we need to move on. Sorry if this Hurtt you though :)

I don't hate Catholics!

Give this girl hate, she's a slut, She goes to my school and she's always crying for attention, she has a baby at 14 YEARS OLD. give her hate so she deletes her ask.fm the slag. ask.fm/anniegorman

no thats just gay.

I mean honestly do you not realise how mean it sounds when you sit and slag Catholics infront of, say Georgia, who is part Catholic? And you say you don't dislike them, I've heard you say different. I am Protestant, and I actually have a bit of respect for other religions. Try it sometime?

aw well thanks but i dont intend to dear.

Zoe, your a wee stunner and just beautiful ! Its great how you stand up for your own opinions and don't let anyone walk over you! Love yah! X

thanks :)

Right, I've never spoken to her before, but zoe seems like such a nice girl! She's so talented and a great singer, clearly you musnt be that great at singing or knowing a good voice when you hear it! And if three of her best friends are catholics?how does she hate catholics?

Thanks :) haha I know this sounds super cocky but if I didn't think we were good then the videos wouldn't be up. Pop up?:)

eveeryone hates you because you hate catholics, bitch, know your either not gonna answer, answer by saying you love catholics, or hope all your friends come rushing onto your page lying about how much they 'love' you. and you cant sing. dont sing, do guitar, and let GEORGIA do what she was born for!

PHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAH Georgia has been on your wall too.. Half of this was her(sorry Georgia had to tell them) I'm sure you are great when it comes to music! I don't hate Catholics, were to frig do you get that from considering like three of my best friends are catholics.. I actually feel so sorry for you that you think I don't have friends.. I passed my grade 4 singing exam with 96 marks. And Lucy Spraggan liked me and Georgia. As she said so herself sadly you don't have the nerve to stick a video of yourself singing on the Internet because you aren't great :L I'm not being mean but if I wasn't a part of the duo Georgia wouldn't have done anything about her talent In the first place. I pushed her to try it and that turned out pretty good. Yes I enjoy band parades, rangers matches and anything loyalist I can get my hands on. However, we are all human and making really false accusations on people will get you no where.https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=lol+face&hl=en&client=safari&tbo=d&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=uSuoUIf7LOiM0AXQ3IDYAQ&ved=0CAgQ_AUoAQ&biw=320&bih=356&sei=wiuoUI7GH8q90QWA84DQCA

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