
Zoë Managh

Ask @Zoemanagh

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So nice!, pretty, funny, amazing singer, in second year, really nice hair, laid back, Jonny, good craic, soo dead on!


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Everyone should stop slagging Zoe,just do it to me! I CAN HANDLE IT. I'll fight ye?;) Srs face,pop up,if you're so sassy;) Sozza,can't be serious.

Liked by: Grace Nugent

Zoe and me are best friends. Zoe and James are best friends. Of course we are going to tell her?:L. It killed me because I hated lying to my best friends? It's Georgia,in case you didn't pick up. But you wouldn't?, Since you don't know the difference between past and present tense! Stupid twat. Ly.

Hehe Georgia.
Liked by: Grace Nugent

Zoe-you're beautiful, 9b, really close with Archie, we grew up together, hilarious, really nice hair,brace face, you know everything about everything, you get the bus sometimes, so many memories,summer revision in rae's garden <3, going to miss going to Rae's with you when I move so much. Love you x

Ellie Dougan
Thanks so much! Love you too.x
Liked by: Grace Nugent

why did georgia say it killed her telling people Her and james weren't going out when she dumped him and I seen the message! about not being good enough like Ryan to phoebe?

THEY'RE GOING BACK OUT. I actually think you're illiterate..
Liked by: Grace Nugent

maybe if u kept ur nose out of there relationship it would actually work!!

Sorry mate. They asked me all this? So.. You're saying it doesn't work? Because it does. If it didn't, They would hardly be going out three months.. I'm not involved in their relationship, ACTUALLY. So..
Liked by: Grace Nugent

This is annoying. I come on Zoe's ask pester with questions;),and all I'm seeing is questions about me and James? CAN U NOT. We are out. It nearly killed me telling Rebecca,Amy,Ellen and Rachel we weren't going out. We did it because everytime we go out little shit heads get involved. Like you anon.

Hello Geogria;) I now know who asked below. LOL. Geogria their one of your best friends... Do you know of the verb going?
Liked by: Grace Nugent

Georgia and Bruno are not a good couple. Never speak. Only on Facebook. He treats her like mud.

Firstly, that's only your opinion.
Secondly, they do talk in person.
Thirdly, THAT'S ACTUALLY ONE OF MY BEST FRIENDS YOUR'E TALKING ABOUT SO STOP. I'm sure you know every detail of their relationship and all. No. I didn't think so.
Liked by: Grace Nugent

What is actually going on between Georgia and Bruno? She told her 'best friends' that they aren't out on friday, and then two days earlier Bruno says they are!! What? Your close to them both so could you please just say? I'm close to Georgia and she has either lied to me or Bruno is saying lies?

I'm pretty sure they are?:L haven't really been talking to them both since yesterday! 'They aren't out' was ist das?
Liked by: Grace Nugent

Who do u think shuld go out pm ten people u rnt as close with can be from any school aslong as u know them aha x

emmm... I don't actually know! Haha!
Amy M and Andrew
Eliza and Graham
Hannah M and Tom
Yasmin and Harry
Jayne and Matthew
Idk who else haha!:L


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