
Zoë Managh

Ask @Zoemanagh

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you still got lessons! chords don't count, you prat. Actual piano! Your just a total stuck up whore. Who thinks everyone is a slut but yourself!


Haha im 3rd year in your school. Who did you think i was?. Look bitch, stop thinking you tight because seriously youre nothing special. Wise up!:$ People like you dont get far in there life.!

You're one hard ass and people like me get no where? Jee! That's one acusation for someone who is annonymously giving me hate on ask.fm! And you think I think I'm tight? LOOK AT YOURSELF DOING THIS ONLY PROVES YOU HAVE NO LIFE. If this has anything to do with the James Oniell thing? I was sticking up for one of my best friends. Sorry if I offended you and your petty life. Good bye now.

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Zoe yes you did get piano lessons you utter LIAR! so therefore if you apparently taught yourself then you can't do grades which means you aren't on grade five?

When I was seven. They didn't help me and I taught myself chords and all. I'm on grade five singing you Pratt.

you actually did zoe haha..:L

No I didn't because I didn't have Georgia Gallagher and Bruno to compare against anyone else?

would love to see you guess on who you think this is. acutually would. so go for it?. youre in my school. i no you enough to know your'e a snob

Okay, not who I thought it was then. Thought it was someone not from my school. You clearly don't know me well enough. But let me tell you a story.
There was once a girl who was happy and wild and free. Then suddenly, her friends began to notice her being quite upset and annoyed and self concious about herself. Her friends asked what was wrong, but she just replied with it doesnt matter. Later that week, she rolled up her sleeves whilst washing her hands at the bathroom. Her friend noticed cuts on her wrists and asked her what happened. She replied with "I was cutting an apple and my knife slipped." Her friend knew something was wrong at this point. She wasn't sure what to do so she asked her friend had she been cutting herself and why? She replied that she was getting hate over websites like this and that she used it to clear the hate and pain away. She said to her friend not to tell anyone and her friend didn't. She tried to stick up for the girl on websites like this. But it didn't work. Her friend committed suicide. So annon, before you think of something like this again. Think of this story. And ask do you want to be a murderer.

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haha its ask.fm. you dont have to use proper grammer. you SNOB.

Grammar* and I think I know who this is, you clearly don't know me in person if you think I'm a snob! I just have a good English teacher! Unlike you!

Gerogia g and bruno were wayyyyu better js

Nah. Georgia an someone else are better. Georgia Teague and James are like perfect.

ur only grade 5? fuck haha, with the way u act you claim to be a fucking professional/

Only is a bit of an understatement considering I'm 13. Grade 8 at the age of fifteen would be pretty pod if you ask me?

your sucha fuckin wee tight ass. SLUT. haha gw a 1st year'Peado' thought u were so much better than this!:S obviously not

Hahah! Annon, I would be offended by this if it wasn't for your atrocious spelling and lack of vocabulary! You obviously didn't think I was "better" than whatever you're on about If you called me a tight ass and a slut. DO YOU KNOW WHAT SLUT MEANS? CLEARLY NOT. Haha! A years difference. Oh my word I'm such a rebel:O there is nothing wrong with a first year? Just because there is no one in my year for me but there is in a different year doesn't make me anything less than I am. Ill have you know, that first year is 10000000000000000000x a better person than you and your massive ego. Please state your very wrong opinions somewhere else. Some question. And a dictionary would come in handy.

oh jez that did sound cocky luv. youre not the best singer around and most of ur vidoes you slip up! Just saying but i can read music and listen to it from a mile away.

Can you please type in English so I understand you? I'm not your "luv" either. I know I'm not the best around. Everyone makes mistakes? My videos are amateur. You can read music and listen to it from a MILE away. Well done annon, apart from the fact that this isn't a question, you have just blatantly lied. You deserve a medal for your achievement. *claps sarcasticly* I wouldn't mind if you 'just said' somewhere else. Bye sweetie, oh and let me know how your music career works out for you! :*

just seen ur online, do a cover wit sum1 in yer 8 8d dey r all realy gud singers.

Stop hacking Georgia's account!!

fave thing about yourself?

I'm not gonna lie, I know I can sing:l not in a cocky way but if I didn't I wouldn't post videos.


Language: English