
Zoë Managh

Ask @Zoemanagh

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why is everyone giving Zoe a hard time cause she spots people's grammar omg chill guy!:L hahaha

Hahaha. Thank you Katie! Tell your mum we missed her on Friday.:)

OMW! THERE S NOT AN ENGLISH TEACHER MONITORING EVERYONE'S ENGLISH AND PUNCTUATION ON THIS SO STOP FOR FRIG SAKE MENTIONING GRAMMAR!!! IT just shows that u have no other argument to say than pick out negatives .....sad life u have child

Yeah, I have nothing better to do. I'm just actually getting something out of an education dear first year.

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What can spoil your day?

People who aren't even big enough to show who they are when they make comments on my appearance.

Your English at the start of that answer is grammatically incorrect and I'm afraid you have spelt 'habit' wrong. So there you go. I have just proved that your grammar is not perfect so stop picking out everyone else's flaws. Gosh you think you are perfect.

Haha. I never said my grammar was perfect, because it isn't. However all of 'this!!!!!!!!!!!!' is quite irritating. I'm not perfect no one is. You can't really say I think I'm perfect with your comments there.

I don't get why so many people like you!!! Your so cocky and if someone asks you for advice you give them it then go behind there backs!!!! So many people like you!! You just make others life feel like hell!!

You're* Their* Wow. You've overdone it slightly there with the exclamation marks. I really make other peoples lives hell. Really? Oh. Nice to see you're going to do well in English. Oh and why would 'so many people like me' if I make others lives feel like hell?:L Who even are you like?

Why the frig are u the biggest OCD freak about grammar! I'm not sitting a friggin English exam every time I type on the Internet...geezz

Well, once you are doing your own children's homework with them and are asking your eldest child how to spell easy words you will think back and learn that you didn't make English enough of a habbit when you were young.

Oh right...she cant spell exercise..it isn't 'excersize!

Oh sorry! But you can't use punctuation?

Dude who cares if she's a 6. The girls like 1st year and they're feckin tiny so believe her and fuck off.

Hahaha thanks I think? I'm second year.
Liked by: Benjamin Boyd

Haha yes one jumper that is a 6 honestly would say your a 12. Yeah your weight...

HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA. Really? You really think so? No. Actually the majority of my clothes are a six. You actually have the nerve to say something like that? Good thing I don't take hat offensive because see below? Any insecure girl good have done anything. SUICIDE. You're a sick joke.

Are you a christian?

It's actually really sad to say that I've been questioning my faith for quite some time.. I've drifted away from God but I am trying to get back! I think once I get away on the S.U. weekend and other things this summer and around other Christians I'll be fine again.:)

Opinions on self harm?

This is gonna take forever..
Self harm isn't just someone cutting. It's more.
- burning the skin.
- pricking the skin.
- tearing the skin.
- stabbing objects into the body (pencils etc)
- substance abuse
- alcohol abuse
- drug abuse
- tearing out or cutting of the hair
- punching your body
- intentionally breaking bones
- banging your head
- punching walls
- starving yourself
- binge eating
- scratching the skin
- biting the skin
- biting nails
- purging
- getting into fights
- excessive tattoos/piercings for the pain
- jumping from heights
- over excersize
- non-lethal overdose
- putting corrosive/irritant substaces on the skin
I have at least 4 friends who have self harmed that I know of. Two of them I trust with my life and when they told me, I broke down. You should be able to tell your friends things instead of resulting to it. I know you're hurting, times are tough. But please don't do it. You may feel like it takes the pain away, but it won't. You should never have to go through any of this.. If you're in a dark place, talk to someone. It will help..<3

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Language: English