
Zoë Managh

Ask @Zoemanagh

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Who is your fav first year girl/ boy

Girl : Georgia/Yasmin/Aimee/Laura
Boy : Jonny/Alex/Bruno/Andrew

It looks like zoë is taking my approach to slaging, laughing at people with no life who have nothing better thna to slag on anon, I think you really need to get a new life mate !


you're so sad.... getting all the first years to suck up to you just because you're not popular in your own year! ha.


Im a forth year and i was just saying it was nice cant u take a compliment

You're not fourth year, you're first year and you're a girl and I'm 95% sure I know who you are. It was a sarcy comment!

Aww it so sweet the way all the first year boys think your amazing !!!

I know isn't it. It's because I'm perfect you creatin.
Don't be sarcy to me if you don't want it back babe.

forgot to unmask that,im sure you thought it was that girl who is awesome at showjumping,even without a horse hahahahahahaha

Yes. You're also amazing at breaking the jumps;)

I do not know what to ask you.......are you singing for the talent show ? you should do showjumping...without the horse but it wouldnt be as good as mine ahhaha jks

I'm singing haha, I know I should! Pure tank hai!


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