
Zoë Managh

Ask @Zoemanagh

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Honestly did you watch Teen beach movie. (you didn't have to enjoy it, just watch it)

Mate, I loved it:s haha

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Zoe you put that video up hahahahahahah

Well you weren't gonna embarass yourself anymore by putting it up haha

Right listen to me! I self harmed and Zoe cared! She never called me attention seeking did she? No! She was making a point saying alotta people do it for attention! And as for that person who was all like 'people tell people to do it somewhere obvious' I did, no one knew till after! Christ!

Love you Darby.x

My ho was unreal Js, return pls xxxxxxxx

Yours was perf but mines going to be better. X x x x
We're actually so close it's absolutely unreal.. I haven't seen you in ages and I mis you so much.. Two months is too long without seeing you. Like the first time we talked, we completely clicked.. It was unreal we instantly had soo much in common. You're a hunger games nerd and you read way too much.. You go to bed too early and unless you're with me, you're really unsociable.. If we weren't both away all summer, we'd have met up so much more.:( we're really sarcastic together and we're cocky el oh el. We aren't normal like and we have so many memories.. We listen to sad songs and then see a spider and scream our heads off.. We have frappe dates all the time and wear boys hipster earrings. We both wish we were boys so we could be hipsters and shop in Top man! We LURVE going to the cinema together all the time to see movies that you didn't understand.. Haha;) we laugh our heads off at the stupidest things. We had a water fight and you broke your phone:s we have our songs lah<3 Mr Brightside, Iris and you sexy thang. We love loads of facebook famous people and we quote Will McGuiness and Jamie Curry all the timee. We love mean girls and pitch perfect and you're jealous that one time, me and Ellie met Channing Tatum! We were peados one day in laurelvale watching sports day with Harry. A load of laurelvale children from cranfield remembered us from that.. Haha. If it wasn't for me, you'd still listen to rubbish music;) we both influence eachother soo much.. Haha. We have out sexual dances like c'est la vie and 22.. We love Taylor swift like.. She is a babe and a half.. We obsess over hot famous people and stuff and we're really weird but that's why we're friends.. We laugh and stuff and we never have fallen out and I luv u bby cakes and you is beautiful and you and James are perfect and all. You are such a nice person and you say it how it is and you're really honest. You don't bitch, you say everything to the people's face. You have a lovely figure.:) and I just love you and everything else you said I have just said the stuff you haven't.:) love you baby cakes:) can't wait to see you tomorrow!x x x x but who wouldn't love us like? We're funny af :)
Lol @ u all m8s

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You're perfect. I just wanted to let you know that. I think you're gorgeous, I think you're beautiful inside and out.

Oh my word thank you so much this has actually made my day.. Please pop up or something?

Who do you think is 1st and second smartest in 9a, b, c, d? :)

Someone is a little bit obsessed with grades, jeez Louise!

Best dancers in senior and junior dance club

This year? Rebecca Hume, Jessica nethercote, Erin Hamill, Naomi McLean, Kathryn Irwin, Sophie Buller, Rachel Dunwoody, Rebecca gamble, Emma Johnston, Emma Lewis.. Loads more like!:)

Im actaually laughing at how those people take your answers so seriously!

Oh my word yes thank you so much a person that understands how sarcastic I am! Pop up pls
Liked by: fxck_rebekah.

Guys? Zoe wasnt joking about self harm? She was just saying that some people do it for attention which is true! Some people need to realise what people are really saying!

I like you.
Liked by: fxck_rebekah.

How do you feel about all the hat you get.. Honestly. They should keep it to the selves

Aw thank you, I actually don't really mind about it because they don't know my weaknesses and the things I would hurt about most so they slag me off for things that don't matter much to me. Wasting their own time to be honest.. Mail me cutie?
Liked by: fxck_rebekah.

So a girl died over hate that she got over ask.fm and you have the nerve to say that now adays it's attention seeking and she could just delete her ask? You don't know what was going through her head, so how could you even say that? Honestly, you should be ashamed of yourself.

Mate. Read my status again. I never once said I knew what was going on in her head. Just saying that if ANYONE in general can't take it they shouldn't have ask? That's a sad fact but it's true! Society will hate you and some people aren't strong enough to give it back!

And you are going to be one of those people? Nice way to go.. make everyone that self harms (not for attention) feel bad and ashamed about them selves.

Sorry mate


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