
Amy Mathews

Ask @amyelizabethh

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are you really nice to people to their face...but later on make fun of them behind their back?


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why are you so nice to me when everyone else is so mean?

I don't know why everyone else is mean /: but I'm nice because as long as people don't do anything rude or mean to me ill be nice to them

Can you recommend anything to read?

Looking for Alaska by John green , the fault in our stars by John green or anything by John green

you totally seem like you got it all together....are you lying about not being perfect?

No I'm not lying . I am no where bear perfect .

im like really immature and annoy everyone around me. yea you already know this. BUT you're so mature and normal and got it all together ..so how can I be normal too? Like any advice...?

Haha I really don't have it all together , it may look like I do but I really don't . I don't think anyone does . Just be yourself and screw what other people think ! If your immature then just grow up , take things more seriously , but always have fun with your friends . Friends and family are all you need

What is the most played song in your music library?

I use pandora so much I forget what u have in my music library . Is that sad ?

Sorry AMY, I was just teasing about Mitch. And YES if you really want to break me down, I am jealous of mitch cause he's hotter than me and he gets to be with you. So sorry and I desevred to get called out. :(

Yeah he's pretty hot

why are you lying?? We ALL know that mitch smells like popcorn farts and urine...so?

Why do you hate so hard on my boyfriend ? Are you jealous that he's hotter than you ?

WAIT...how would you know if I wasnt Mitch if I wore a 'mitch mask' ???? would you be able to tell I wasnt him if I didnt smell like popcorn farts or somethin?

Shut the fuck up . I'd be able to tell because I know he acts and I know every little things about him

ok if Mitch really loves you he would let you do anything you want...and have a little fun....and that would mean we get to hook up. you agree?

No ! I don't want to ! I want Mitch and only Mitch ❤

if I put on a Mitch Mask....could we hook up a little??? then if he catches us you can say you thought it was him??? Great fuckin idea?

No . I would know if it was really him , I would be able to tell more than just looks


Language: English