
Amy Mathews

Ask @amyelizabethh

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Ok then, if you and Mitch break up somehow. Do you think Jacob would ask you out?

^ i highly doubt that , but IF it did happen i really don't know. you'd have to ask him OFF OF ANON. but I HIGHLY doubt he would . we're just friends (: and to go after me right after i become single is too soon for me and just looks like a rebound. besides , i'd be a wreck...

hey wana dump mitch and hook up with me tonight?

i dont know you :o & naa were going to the streetfair tonight (:

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Amy im just an anon...but I saw what those other hater anons said and I say fuck them. You seem to be a good friend to those around you and a nice person so fuck those haters cause they fucking suck. Sorry to curse around your virgin ears. Have a great night..<3

awww i love you anon<3 i will have a great night now because of you (:
Liked by: mitch vega

if mitch dumped you....would you ask Jacob out?

1. micth would never dump me , you can ask anyone . & 2. i don't ask people out . im the girl
Liked by: mitch vega

You put hearts after Jacob's gift but no hearts when you answered "necklace" for Mitch's gift. What does that mean Amy??

it means i love monkeys...

I bet Jacob wrapped his poop in a box and gave it to you:P

nope. he got me a giant stuffed monkey <333333(:

I love and miss your gorgeous face ! These little anon shits are nothing , your an amazing friend and your freaking beautiful . Their just jealous . They have no lives sitting on this just waiting for you to reply because they think they've gotten to you , bitches ain't shit . Im always here for you

Karah Gomez
thanks abygirl<3 love you & miss you too !

Fucking anons need to get a life. They don't know you like we know you. Just ignore them<3

its okay . but thanks <3

i LOOOOOOOOOOOVE you amy<3 these anons are dumbfucks and have no life<33 you aren't pathetic or dumb and you dont mess everything up, you perf<3

i love you too <3
& thanks babygirl

why does anyone love you?

honestly , that is a great question . i really dont know . they shouldnt i mean why would they ? all i do is mess everything up. i do horrible things. half the people thast say they love me either dont mean it or are on some kind of crazy pill.

Can you record yourself doing jumping jacks naked, in the rain, in slow mow?

trolololol . no . PERVERT ALERT

Mitch v Jacob v Cjanning Tatum v Ryan Gosling v Robert Downey Jr v Matt Bomer

LOLOLOLOLOL !!! XD thats a hard one... literally(;


Language: English