
Amy Mathews

Ask @amyelizabethh

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Heres the situation....the devil appears and tells you he will trade you ANYTHING you want for Mitch's eternal soul. ANYTHING....so what do you trade?

Nothing I Love him . I'd keep him

Mitch comes up to you tomorrow...and tells you that he lost his temper and killed someone. He begs you to stay with him and help him cover up the crime. Do you help him get rid of the body - OR - tell him its over, call the cops, and watch them haul him off to jail ? OR ??

Uhm idk , I wouldn't dump him . Ever

What if Mitch came up to you on his 21st birthday and told you he had a secret....he takes off his head which is really a mask and reveals himself to be an alien. He tells you that everything about him was a lie...but he still cares about you...DO you stay with him?

Dude ... U need help

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What if the aliens took off thier mask and they were all clones of Mitch and they said 'you know what...fuck the nukes...just come back with us to our home planet and live amongst a billion Mitch clones...we will worship you as our queen...but the real Mitch cant come...' DO YOU GO ?


If you could visit the past or the future, which would you choose and where would you go?

Future . To the day I graduate and move on with my life

Well the aliens are kind of busy-bodies.....so they would take a moment to perfrom the gaying operation on mitch.....so the last few moments on earth together wouldnt be the same....it would be just like totally awkward....anyway im not saying the aliens really thought this shit out....so

Ur strange ...

What if the alien then told you...if you didnt accept the offer they would perform an operation on mitch to rewire his brain so he would become a flaming homosexual...so you'd be better off with the clone offer. Would you just say 'ok, give me the clone' ??

But before u said if I don't take the offer they would just nuke the earth. U make no sense buddy ...

OK what if the aliens then said....but if we nuke the planet everyone including you and mitch wont be around anyway....ok so heres the new deal.....you stay away and never interat with the real mitch ever again....we dont nuke your planet....and we make you a mitch clone that you can keep. SO u down

Who think of this ?! Lol and still no , I'd rather dir with him than be without him . No "clone" could be as good as him , it's te little things about him that I love the most . The way he looks at me , his touch , his kiss , his heart .. No one could clone that . It's too unique within itself and its just irreplaceable . So like I said I it were up to me the world would be screwed <3

What if the aliens came down to Earth and told you they were going to nuke the entire planet. They offer you a deal to save EVERYONE. They will leave us alone if you promise to never interact with Mitch in ANY way...EVER again. Do you take the deal?

No . If I couldn't interact with him in any way I'd die . Maybe not physically but emotionally I would be dead which is practically the same thing . It's our 9 month like right now , the 28th and i love him more than life itself . I just spent the whole Saturday with him . He's perfect and if I could never see him I'd be crushed . So sorry world , you'd be fucked lol .

If you had 24 hours to spend anyway you wanted, and money wasn't a concern, what would you do?

If go spend a day with my boyfriend doing whatever we want !

What if Mitch joined a religious cult and he told you he would dump you if you didnt join with him??? Would you join it?

He'd never do that ...

When Mitch is like 70 and senile.....and you go to visit him at the old age home cause he's suffering from dementia....and he takes a shit all over your best dress cause his mind is fuckin fried....will you check out other guys then?

Nope . It'll be him and only him forever . <3 Even after the day I die .

Who are you gonna date after mitch?

No one , cause I'm gunna be with Mitch forever (: and if by some craziness something happened and we weren't together I'd be a lonely potato and just eat sleep and e depressed .. K bye c:

So Valerie has one person ...KAYLA ....you got EVERONE ELSE on your side even if they're too scared to admit it. :P

Lol . It's not about sides . And actually a lot of people dot like me because of the fight and don't take my "side" or agree with me . I don't really care . Choosing sides is unnecessary c:

What she said about u over reacting!!!! That was jank bro

Ohh , well not gunna lie , yeah kind of . She put it on blast on the Internet . She could've told Em differently because I didn't know . But it's whatever , she's closer to Valerie anyway . She could take her side if she wanted to


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