
Amy Mathews

Ask @amyelizabethh

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How many pairs of edible underwear do you own ;)

sadly ... none :(
but maybe thats cuz all of them got eaten ... (;

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Give us the real reason Maddy Transue (aka Pizza Face) wasnt invited to your party .

k fuck you. & fuck off. shes not a pizza face and i don't understand why you have to be such an asshole. come off anon then we will talk you little pussy. don't hate on people because they're prettier and more down to earth than you will ever be. people like you piss me off . to no end! do you think about what you say ? like honestly , do you ? your pathetic. and people like you make me sick. grow up and act your age. calling people names is for little 2nd graders , is that how old you are ? i bet you don't even know her and your just talking shit to seem "cool". hey NEW FLASH ! YOUR NOT COOL . what you do is mean , pathetic , and really pointless . no one wants to hear it so do everyone a favor and shutup . words hurt so think about what you say . i really hope Maddy doesn't take that to heart because that is so far from the truth . so come off anon and have a real conversation with me and then we'll see what happens okay ? oh , and by the way she wasn't invited because i don't know her and i've never met her . if we were friends i guarantee she would've been there (:

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why was everyone so cheap with the presents they got you?

ahah they were not cheap ! they were amazing :D

Haha sorry I didnt mean that in a mean way !!

ahah, i know ! (: i liked it cuz i thought it was funny!

What did you get for your bday?

lots of stuff ! (:
candy , money , itunes , a sws shirt , makeup , a monkey , a necklace , pins , and an amazing day with all my friends <3

What do you want for your birthday ??? Besides naked pictures of Jacob ..

ew.... & an iphone c: im getting one ... be jealouss bitcchh <3

How often do you buy things via the Internet?

ehh only sometimes (: mostly if theyre personalized stuff

If the 'worst has already happened to you' ...then im sorry you got kidnapped, lived as a sex slave, forced into heroin addiction and then had to become a prostitute to support your drug habit catching AIDS in the process.. Thats horrible..!!! Do you need a hug ?

^^ that did not happen . but i could use a hug yes <3

Why are you so insecure ?

because im a highschool girl and im fucked up in the head lol. i have a right to be insecure . i mean ... look at me

What's the worst thing that could ever happen to you?

oh trust me the worse has already happened...
the only other bad thing that could happen would be getting dumped .

So when are you going to ride Jacob's disco stick?

he has a disco stick? o.O i dont even know what that is...


k . whatever

why are you such a tease to mitch? He put the time in...least you could do is hook him up. Sorry but im just sayin... - mitch

i dont care. im not a whore. i dont do tthat shit get over it


Language: English