
Amy Mathews

Ask @amyelizabethh

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go look at my ask. i legit have people saying they're gonna start a religion about me... o.0

ol , i know i just looked before u sent this xD

bahahah im going to pee my pants xD my anons are so obsessed with me !

dude people keep askin me stuff bout us like wtf ? V

If Lindsy asked you to do something illegal for the sake of your friendship...would you ?

lol what the fuck kinda questions are these ! one : she wouldn't ever do that & two: i dunno maybe . depends what it was i guess

When was the last time you wrote someone a love letter? and who was it to?

uhhm i dont think i ever have

How Jealous are you of Lindsy on a scale of 1-10 ?? (10 being the most insane)

ahah wtf ? im only jealous of how gorgeous she is at like a 5 :P <33

what do u think of the whole Justin and Lindsy situation? tell us the truth. OK GO.

im not sure what u mean by situation but i thik justin needs to stop hurting her for fucking fun . & she needs to stop forgiving him and going back with him . as soon as shes almost over him he comes crawling back saying he loves her . this time round he says he means it but hes said it before so idk what happening right now . but if he hurts her one more time i will personally kill him .

on the "what do you rate yourself on a 1-10" YOU ARE NOT A THREE. your an 1 billion and 69. your goregous, never forget it.

thank you anon <3 ill try to remember that ...

Why are you lying about your family being rich?

m not ? i am richer some people i suppose but im happy with what i have <3

I want to kill myself

stop it nick . no u dont . just because things are bad doesnt mean you should result to that . keed your head up .


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