
Amy Mathews

Ask @amyelizabethh

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hey what was the last time u kissed someone besides mitch?

Honestly I can't even remember . I've been with him for so long I kinda forgot
Liked by: Linaa

Hi, I noticed amy giving me bad looks a few times but I never heard her say anything bad to my face. I don't think she likes me but I wouldn't call her a bully. :/

Whos this ?

I don't think Amy's a bully. Someone told me a long time ago that Amy called me fat behind my back but it was just a rumor and I bet she didnt even say anything like that cause Amy is really nice and not like that.


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umm amy's not a bully...she said she only calls me 'fatass'...'fatso'...and 'freakcheeks' as a joke. She doesnt really mean it when she crushes my feelings and makes me cry.. :(

Who evn says names like that ? I've never used any of those . Except for fat ass and I call myself a fat ass not other people . I'm not a bully but whatever think what u want . I'm tired of people saying crap about me and making me feel bad .

why do you talk about Mitch so much? I get that you're dating!! but shit, even in questions that have nothing to do with him you have to bring him up in the answer

Sorry that I don't please you. I love him and always think about him do it just kinda comes out

I don't know if you are aware of this, but you can really be a bully at times. You seriously need to watch the things that you say and how you say them, because words truly can hurt.

K thanks mom

Whats the biggest problem in your life today ? * my prediction - Amy says ' no problems'

Uhm thats kinda personal , but I have more problems than you know . Or even care to know .

VVV the point of the quote was for you to understand that you dont need 2 worry about any1 but urself. K? people talk shit on you? good for them. people dont act the way you want them to? cool story. get the fuck over it.

What the hell ?

it literally makes me want to cry when people who use to be best friends arent friends anymore :c what happened between you and valerie!?!??!?!?!? i would always see you guys at school and i thought you were the most adorable little freshman bestiessss<3

Lol . Well thanks . But weren't friends anymore

Do you think people are basically bad or basically good?

good . until other peopole corrupt them . everybody has someone who made them that way

great people, talk about ideas. Average people, talk about things. Small people, talk about other people.

^^^ !!! <3333333

Amy is the complete opposite of a 'hoe' ..shes a good person and never did anything bad or hurt anyone in her life. She is a SAINT...an ANGEL.!!

ahahah aww thank you c:

the fuck? amys not a hoe! shes been with mitch like 7 months. i bet YOUR a hoe. vvv stupid anons got nothin on you babecakes ;D & amys my sister, all her family loves her <3333

Thank babe <3

What makes you feel like a boss?

Gettin' paid (; & bossing my siblings around :p . But Mitch makes me feel like a princess (:


Language: English