
Amy Mathews

Ask @amyelizabethh

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why did you delete pictures on Instagram? And why are you moving in with breann?

Bc I did. God you're nosy. & I'm not really moving in , well not now atleast. I wish.

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And he is really stupid i was hoping you could snap chat him and wind him up a lot, and tell him he has to do whatever you say or I will punish him & not let him out. We can make him do whatever we want haha, honestly it will be funny. and i will get you an ask fm gift :) x Id be very grateful :) x

I don't want any gifts. Looks like you got it under control girl lol

Basically i have been acting slutty around him recently so he invited me to his, cos he thought he'd get sex. but i have tricked him because he went up for a nap about 4 hours ago and I sneaked upstairs and I have blocked him inside his own room and taken all his food and drink


I have been bullied by this kid for years, he has ripped my skirt off in front of the whole school, smashed my phone up, verbally abused me and always just been really horrible to me. But now I finally have my chance for payback. Could you please help me? I would be very grateful and it will be fun!

Help you? How?


Language: English