
Amy Mathews

Ask @amyelizabethh

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VVVV....whoever called Amy ugly is fucking getting a beatdown.!!! Amy is my BFF....I mean she doesnt actually know I exist but thats besides the point....I will find your anon ass....and fucking smash your nuts or labia off the side of your fuckin face!!! Carry on Amy...... AMY AMY AMY AMY !!!! <3

Well I know you exist now ... !(: & thank you very much but it's okay no need for beating people

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Do you think that Mitch is secretly thankful for those scenarios ..VVVV....cause he was embarrased to ask you all of that himself.....or could be be happy to get an understanding of where he realistically stands with you? ?

He knows where he realistically stands , and that's before even myself

You leave Mitch all alone in your room and when you return hes digging in your drawers. He grabs a fistful of panties and starts sniffing them with a really creepy look on his face. HE looks up at you and you notice he's all perved out with drool hanging out of his mouth and wants to make out. DO U?

....u watch too many movies ... That's I'd honestly soo freakin' creepy

One day you're walking by a gay bar and suddenly Mitch walks out wearing ass-less chaps. He's singing Frank Ocean songs and looks really happy. A bunch of guys walk out and slap him on the ass. He notices you there and gets really nervous....he says 'AMY THIS ISNT WHAT IT SEEMS' - DO U BELIEVE HIM??

What is wrong with you ...

One day Mitch comes over in the middle of the afternoon.....and for no reason he tells you that he wants to act out the entire movie and all the scenes of 'Dirty Dancing'. He says he called all your friends over and wants to put on a show for them.... DO YOU DO IT???

Idk that movie

You wake up around 3AM to Mitch knocking on your window. You notice he's floating in midair and looks really pale and creepy. (more than usual) HE tells you that he was bit by a vampire and wants to turn you into one also so you can be together forever....He says 'OPEN THE WINDOW' ...DO YOU OPEN IT?

Of course :3

So Mitch sends you a text and tells you to meet him at the old cemetary around midight. You think its weird but you trust him completely and show up. When you get there you notice he has 2 shovels. HE tells you that he's always wanted to be a grave robber and wants you to join him. DO YOU JOIN???

He'd never do that and I wouldn't let either of us do that . That's so disrespectful

Mitch suffers a head injury....his overall health is OK....but head injuries cause weird side effects and suddenly Mitch has the urge to undergo a full sex change operation. He cant explain the reasoning but its just something he HAS to do. HE remains straight and wants to stay with you...DO U STAY?

I wouldn't let him do the procedure

One day in the future....you and Mitch have been living as a happily married couple. Some of the romance starts to fade ...as is natural with time. Mitch suggests a threesome with another girl.....Do you agree to the threesome to keep the relationship spicy???


VVVVV......same threesome suggestion from Mitch....except he requests a threesome with a guy instead. Are you down?

Lol . That's awkward. Sex is meant for two people and two people only

Tonight...at 2:am....theres a knock on your window...you look outside and Mitch is standing outside all alone in the rain. HE tells you that he's running away from home, leaving the state, and never coming back. He cant tell you the reason....just says 'Come with me Amy' .....DO YOU GO??

Yes . I'd try to convince him to stay with me for the night and work it out with me

SO heres the situation.....Mitch injures his leg sliding into 3rd base and its so bad it puts an end to his baseball career. He starts drinking and turns into an alcoholic. He's a mean drunk and blames you for the injuiry since he was watchin you in the stands when it happened...DO you work it out?

He would never become a drunk but of course I'd work it out (:


Language: English