Ask @bendarcy

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Your so cute :) I was only joking about the aids (I only asked it once not the others) CUTIE :)

aw ok i believe you and thnx xxx
Liked by: Joel Rios

What letter does your crush's name begin with? Btw you're sexyyy

aw thank you x and i actually cant say that because it's one of those letters that will give it away to anyone who knows me, and i really dont want people knowing lol

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I have no friends, everyone hates me and I constantly feel suicidal, what should i do?

be friends with me i will be nice to you xxxxxx
Liked by: Mischa

Why don't you want people to ask you question associated with aids? Anyways do you have aids?

oh my GOD STOP PLS i bet this is all the same person
Liked by: M.

What do you look for in a girl?

nice??????? i dont know, i dont care what someone's like if they like me i'll usually like them back lol

I think you're beautiful, the people being horrible to you are just jealous gits who like to lash out a nice people like you behind a computer screen, ignore all their negativety!

omg i love you xxxx

why is everyone saying you have aids? (i amn't saying you have em I'm just wondering) x

i dont even know!!!!!!!!!! some rumour went round on twitter that i did like a year ago and people still randomly bring it up lol :(


o har har youre a funny one arent you


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