Ask @bendarcy

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If you could go to one place in the world, where would it be?x

i really want to go to the middle east
mainly because it's so different from anywhere else i've been, i was in dubai for a little bit but that's not really middle east

Would you ever talk to or become friends with people on twitter that don't have many followers?

yeah but 50% of the people who talk to me only talk to me because i have followers
the other 50% are people i know from college / people who have followers
Liked by: Luigi(;

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Define interesting. As in an interesting person that you would never get bored of

not too clingy
like to go out alot
not ridiculously stupid
we have some kind of banter like it's not like we're afraid to insult each other incase someone takes it as dramatic offense
Liked by: caitlin

How can I get to know you and talk to you if I don't have your Facebook? Or anything?

idk what the magic formula is for getting to know me
ive made friends off twitter before and i'm guessing i'll make more in the future
the sad thing is that the majority of people i talk to online i was friends with when i had no followers, and now i hardly ever meet new people unless they have followers too
its sad but yeah
Liked by: chloe

When you make friends, do you try and keep that friendship going or not?

yeah obviously
unless i get bored of someone and then cya
Liked by: rolos

I want to unzip your jeans, roll down your boxers and take your dick out, then I'll smoothly move my hand up and down your cock, then bring it to my mouth where i'll suck on it. After, I'll guide your dick to my pussy and you'll fuck me good and hard ;) sound good?

does your mum know you're a slut

Im dead sam trying to be a "BadAss" trying to make you look bad :D

hahahahahah ikr hes such a faggot seriously

I think I saw you last night.. :*

somehow i doubt that because i spent the whole of last night in my bedroom revising

Wow, you're one lucky motherfucker having one of them as a new years kiss (no joke, i just looked at their profiles) You fancy an of them?

maybe :-------)

Would you ask a girl for a blowjob or would you hope she goes for it without asking?

lmfao if u have to ask for it ur doin it wrong

Saw you went to London :) What did you do xxx

stayed at my aunts house w/ all my cousins because we always do around christmas, it was cute x

Who was your new years kiss?

go on my twitter profile and look at my most recent pics, it was one of the girls in that photo but im not gonna say which x


Language: English