Ask @bendarcy

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Im giving this guy a bj this week and he wants me to deep throat but i hate gagging any ideas?

clench your thumb between your left fist and your gag reflex goes away :)))))
Liked by: Lauren

Have you ever done shop-lifting?

when i was like 4 i stole one of those party things you blow into and it unwinds and makes a noise
i put it in my pocket then walked out with my mum and showed her, and she got really angry at me and made me give it back
but the woman in the shop thought i was cute so gave it to me for free anyway
the moral of the story is, if you're young and adorable, steal

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Tell me something about you?

ooo that's an open question
okay i have this bracelet, one of those ones made of string which i have on the windowsill of my bedroom right now
basically i was given it by a vietnamese monk when i was going round south east asia a couple of years ago, at the time it wasnt really that special but then something else happened that night that just made me want to remember it forever
it sounds cheesy but whenever i wake up in a bad mood, when i come home upset/worried, when i'm stressed or just generally not feeling myself, i put on the bracelet and everything just feels okay
it's funny because it's one of the only constants in my life

describe your perfect guy/gal

i'm not entirely sure, i've never really thought about it
ideally the kind of person i would like, makes time for me/makes an effort/cares/likes me for me and not what they've heard about me/isn't 100% bland/not too clingy but not too "play it cool"/clever/doesn't care what people think
i could think of other things but whatever
with appearance i really don't care
Liked by: Lauren jada

What have you accomplished today?

okay so i woke up this morning and i'd had the strangest nightmare
i was running through the forest by my house as if something was chasing me but then suddenly everything went dark and cold and i was standing alone surrounded by trees in a place i'd never seen before and i tried to find a way out but i was hopelessly lost
interesting huh
i just realised that has nothing to do with the question
oh well
Liked by: Lauren alex Elie Lawson

What's your perfect date? As in location etc

i like to keep things simple, the cinema, a meal out, going for coffee, whatever
but the location doesn't matter to me
a date for me is basically being alone with the person you like, as long as they're there, i'm happy
Liked by: Lauren papaoutai

my friend has begun to cut, but in person she just laughs about it and tries to get away from the topic and says she's stopped but then later she'll text me that she is cutting again and needs help. she knows i'm there for her but what else can I do?

drawing on past experiences i know that it's actually really hard to stop
basically you need to have a long, hard conversation so you can find out exactly why she's doing it and why she can't stop, then figure out some way of stopping the reasons
you need to constantly let her know you're there for her, literally everyday compliment her on something, get other people to compliment her because trust me, that really helps
it'll take time but if you really care (which i'm sure you do) then it's worth it in the end

there's this guy I like, we've got off twice whilst drunk and he's fingered me and licked me out, we're friends on fb but haven't talked much since. Idk whether he likes me, what should I do?

don't message him first because that'll be weird, he'll think you're obsessed with him and you're thinking about him all the time (which you probably are but he doesn't need to know that)
the next time you see him at a party talk to him but start light and then bring him aside maybe kiss him a bit then if the conversation comes to a halt, do some suggestive flirting then ask him subtly if he likes you
if he says no then oh well have a shag and move on
if he says yes then good

what advice would you give to someone with anorexia:( my bmi is 10 help x

if your bmi is 10 i would seriously consider going to the doctors because that's pretty low
anorexia's difficult though, because you can't just be told to eat and that makes everything okay
the best thing to do is tell someone you trust, not too many people but someone you're close with, who can support you through it. if you're going to beat it you need to raise your self-confidence and be happy with the body you're in, stop reading magazines which obsess over celebrities with "the perfect body" and focus on something else, you've change your whole life and make sure that the most important thing for you isn't getting thinner

Would you go out with a girl if you just met them but obv get to know them first?

well if i've got to know them first then i've not just met them
idc, if i like someone i'd want to go out with them, there's no other factors that apply


Language: English