Ask @bendarcy

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Do you believe in love at first sight? Or is that bullshit?..

if you're saying love at first sight exists then you're saying that love's based on appearance when it's not.
sure appearance can play a factor, there's very few people who'd date someone they found repulsive, but in the end personality is the only thing that matters.
love's about adoring every single thing about someone, not just their looks

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What's your honest opinion on people who cut?

i don't care, you're making it sound like cutting defines someone, it doesnt. there's more to a person than if they self-harm or not.
if you're asking my opinion on it, obviously i don't think it's sensible, although sometimes it feels like it's the only way of getting a release or getting rid of some kind of emotional pain, it's never the only option and it's definitely not the best.

do you ever talk to more than one person at a time?

no, why would i?
my life motto is treat people like you'd want to be treated
it'd be horrible to know that you're competing for the person you like's attention
also i know that if it came between me and another person, they'd be chosen each time

location?single?gotta crush?if so who?fave colour?fave singer?fave song?fave band?fave food?most worn clothes?fave thing to do?what do you look for in a girl?perfect relationship?turn on's?turn off's?would you have a long distance relationship?

horsham, yes, yes, not saying on ask, dark blue, tom odell, 10 dollar by m.i.a, the xx, chocolate, jumpers/skinny jeans, travel, idk, someone i can be myself with/someone i trust/someone who understands me/someone who has a good sense of humour, skip because awkward, obesity/body odor, maybe but i dont think they end well so probably not


Language: English