Ask @bendarcy

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What attracts you to the person you like?

i don't know exactly what it is, i can never choose some definative reason on why i like someone, i just like them
they're good looking, they're clever, from what i've heard they're actually genuine and nice unlike the majority of people at the moment
out of the few times we've ever talked i've just got this feeling from them that they'd be right for me. i don't know if it'd work both ways but i really hope it would
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Honestly, I can't. It wouldn't be fair. You'll have to see yourself. I'm not saying anymore

ugh it's annoying because if we're talking about the same person then i know exactly why you'd be reluctant to tell me
okay, i get that you're not going to tell me, that's fair enough

Really, I can't. Just know that it's pretty likely that if the person you like is who I think it is, you're not alone ;)

you can tell me
i know it's hard to trust people but you can trust me that i won't tell
i've had enough experience of people telling stuff about me to know how much it hurts
so please, if you're serious, tell me

I wouldn't be able to say on here, I don't want to betray my friend's trust. You should give it a go with this person.

if you have me on facebook then message me who it is

Why are u so sure it's over? What abt the 1.23 % huh? :)

i'm just quite sure they'll never like me back by default

Talk to the friend and see if the person wants to sit down with your group at lunch?

i cant be that obvious though
because if i'm wrong that they don't like me back it'll cause major awkwardness/embarrassment

Make a promise to yourself that within the next seven days you'll talk?

umMmMmM i doubt that'll happen
i'd love to say it's complicated but it's not
it should be easy but it's not
in the situation i'm in it'd be a LOT easier if they talked to me first, idc if that makes me sound like a pussy lol

See the person you like today?

i dont think i did but it doesnt matter because i'm now like 98.77% sure they'll never like me back lol oh well

Ben the worst she can say is no , you're cute and hilarious and you look very kind ! be the badass bitch you are and goooo for it ;) x

lol aw

what's your favourite and least favourite thing about yourself?

i like my music taste
i hate my reputation a lot at the moment
it just gets in the way of things
i thought it'd got better when i'd moved from secondary school to college but i guess not, some things will never leave me haha oh


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