Ask @bendarcy

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Hahaa, but it's not mean if you want to get to know her more anyway..? ;)

i guess it's worth it
they're the kind of person who everytime i hear their name or see them around college i just instantly feel happier
i'm not even sure how that works considering i dont talk to them
its weird how someone can have that kind of effect

You should get to know her more and then you'll most likely indirectly end up speaking to this person more often

thats mean though, like i'm using her or something
i'd want to be closer to her anyway just because she's a nice person
ofc if it got me closer to the person i liked i wouldn't mind muhahaha

How much of a good friend of yours is the mutual friend?

um we're reasonably good friends
we're in the same friendship group at college but i don't really see her that much outside collyers although i would like to because shes fab

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I can understand the clique thing. I go to Collyers and everybody knows you as the boy with like a million followers, so they read your tweets instead of talking to you to get to know you. I have to admit though, seeing you surrounded by your group everyday does kind of make you seem more alienating

omg yeah i've been told by a lot of people that people judge me on my twitter
seriously though i'm actually desperate to meet new people (no h8 on chanel luv y'all)
if anyone ever talks to me i'm never stuck up or anything but people seem to think that i'm this horrible person who thinks they're better than everyone. i actually hate my "reputation" because people have said before that they had an opinion on me which was bad but then they got to know me and things changed
Liked by: Dankin Donuts

why don't you join in the conversation with them when they're with a mutual friend?

because they're really close with the person we have as a mutual friend
it'd be so awkward considering they dont have long conversations which arent really serious and private
UGH what is my life why am i so embarrassing like jesus christ i wish there was like some kind of list which everyone had to publicise which was a list of everyone who they'd want to be in a relationship then things would be so much easier

But if you sit with your group all the time and don't talk to the person then how will you know that the person won't like you back? Now, or after they get to know you.

true!!!!!!! but my college is really cliquey and to be honest i hardly have any friends outside my group anymore
i've alienated so many people to a point where people from my college who i've never even heard of are saying things like "why do you hang out with ben so much? he's so horrible"

have you indicated in the slightest way that you like them?

probably not in the most obvious of ways
ugh its just annoying because we do similar subjects and had the timetables of gone my way i'd be in all the same classes as them
i dont even know how to go around indicating that i like someone who i dont even talk to even though both their looks and personality are amazing

Have you got any mutual friends?

yeah lol
sometimes i'll be sitting with one of the mutual friends and the person i like will come up to them to talk to them and i'll just be next to them like 'hi notice me plz'
o god im so embarrassing

do you like anyone at the moment?

yeah but we dont share any classes and we dont ever talk and if i told them i liked them it'd be super awkward because they'd probably just run away

Why don't you ask this person out if you would go out with them if they asked you?

because they havent indicated in the slightest that they like me
like we havent even had a proper conversation

If you really feel like heading to a different culture, visit the middle east. The only interesting thing here is our culture.


If you had a choice between a rat and a platypus for a pet, what would you choose?

platypus because perry the platypus


Language: English