
Brittany Howard

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Latest answers from Brittany Howard

How did you manage working in healthcare during the pandemic?

No one was able to manage to be honest. Staff was either sick with Covid, refusing to go in Covid rooms, called out when they found out they were working Covid halls, or just flat out quit. A lot of residents died and a lot of residents were getting bed sores because we didn't have enough staff to reposition them. We also didn't have enough PPE and since state didn't do their yearly checks on nursing homes because of the pandemic, quality of care went down and a lot of people were burnt out.

Are dogs allowed in your appartement?

I don't live in an apartment anymore, but the rule was that owners couldn't have bully breeds or aggressive dogs. Now that I'm living in a house, there are two dogs.

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Have you smelled something so bad that it made you question your life choices?

When a patient has C Diff (clotridoides difficile colitis)

Did you put your school lunch in zip lock bags?

No, in elementary school, my mom would put our food in airtight containers in our lunchbox. By the time I got in middle school and throughout highschool, I ate the food at school.

Language: English