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What was your life like back in high school?

brown_fox359’s Profile PhotoBrown_fox35
I loved emo rock, I was a nerd at heart, and I didn’t belong to any one “group”… I drifted and had friends everywhere. I was completely oblivious to male attention 🤣🤣🤣 and never dated… like 85% of my friends were always guys. I was a bit of a tomboy growing up. Guys have always been easier to connect with for me.
What was your life like back in high school

Hello, hast du Lust eine Collage zu deinem OC für nectar zu erstellen? (Schickt die Frage auch gerne weiter, falls ich jemanden vergessen haben sollte) 😅

strawberry_sun’s Profile PhotoStrawberry Sun
Vielen lieben Dank ♥ Ich habe mich sehr gefreut und mich auch sofort rangesetzt gehabt, allerdings gab es dann doch Änderungen in meinem Plan für Pru und ich wollte erst mit den Fragen beginnen, wenn ich mein Konzept abgesegnet bekommen habe. 😌✨ Aber jetzt ist es soweit und ich freue mich, euch Pru zeigen zu dürfen! Und natürlich dürfen auch ein paar Fun Facts zur Collage nicht fehlen, finde ich. Dafür teile ich sie zu gerne. 😂
🍑 Pru war schon immer mehr Tomboy als Girly Girl, und eines dieser Problemkinder, denen positive wie negative Aufmerksamkeit recht ist, solange sie nur Aufmerksamkeit bekommen.
🍑 Während ihrer Schulzeit war Pru Jäger für Ravenclaw, doch seit ihrem Abschluss, hat sie den Besen an den Nagel gehangen und auf eine Granianerstute umgesattelt. Wofür erkennt man sicher auf der Collage. :D
🍑 Wer die At Choice Seite stalked, der wird gesehen haben, dass Pru nun mit Nachnamen Carrow heißt. Ihre Hochzeit war wohl der glücklichste Tag in Granny Delphinas Leben (das behauptete sie jedenfalls 🤭). Pru selbst bevorzugt hingegen den Tag ihrer Scheidung, an dem ihr Lächeln echter und ihre Tränen glücklicher Natur waren.
🍑 Prus Lieblingsobst sind Pfirsiche. (shocker!)

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Hello hast du Lust eine Collage zu deinem OC für nectar zu erstellen Schickt die

Por que llamar a una chica o a un chico tomboy y femboy por su manera de comportarse o vestir? O eso es seguir usando estereotipos...

Todos estos términos me siguen pareciendo gilipollleces. Es como rizar el rizo, buscar ser más "especial" todavía.
Al final, y seguro que alguien coincide conmigo, no son más que muestras palpables de una falta de identidad por no haber desarrollado plenamente el paso al periodo adulto.

Have you ever had a ‘not-like-other-girls’ ‘one of the guys’ ‘i prefer guy friends cause girls are too dramatic’ pick me phase when you were a teen?

Ehh, I was a Tomboy growing up and did like to hang out with guys who had similar interests so I guess you could say that was pick-me esque but I never bought into the whole "girls are drama and boys are chill lol" thing and it was never about putting down other girls, I just wanted to talk about video games sometimes and none of my gal pals played then 😂

What phase did you go through in middle school?

Started out at age 10 as a fake tomboy with basketball Bulls stuff. 🤣 Only fashion phase that was totally not me. Then towards the end of middle school I got into the 90s orange/ lime green kinda 70s style thing and happy faces, yin yangs, baby doll tops, Gwen Stefani style tank tops with bra straps showing, beginning of platform shoes. I didn’t feel comfortable showing that side of myself until the last couple days of school. Then I never saw those fukkers again and embraced my Mansonite mail goth over the summer before 9th grade private school. Dyed my hair multicolor. This was my class picture in 9th grade, age 13. I remember those Docs. They were glitter with fishnet over them.
What phase did you go through in middle school
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/ G A Z E L L E; Tomboy z Gryffindoru wpada do Was, bo w sumie to czemu nie? Spokojnie to nie w moim stylu, Waszym też nie?

ravenxsoul’s Profile Photo⠀☽⠀L⠀I⠀O⠀N⠀H⠀E⠀A⠀R⠀T
Hej, Dorcas! W końcu do nas zawitałaś! Profil masz bardzo dobrze uzupełniony, nie pozostaje mi nic innego, jak życzyć ci dobrej zabawy w naszym gronie!

Crush của các cậu đối xử các cậu thế nào?

Cô nàng tomboy của tui là đồ tồi><
Gây thương nhớ cho người ta rồi để người ta thất tình cả ngày thế này đây😭
Tui với bạn í ko học chung học phần nào nhưng hôm đó tui vô tình gặp bạn í ở cổng phụ của trường. Bạn í nhìn tui và tui nhìn bạn í, kiểu ánh mắt ta chạm nhau này nọ><.. Nhưng mà dừng khoảng chừng là 2s, bạn í nhìn tui xong bạn í bước đi khi tui đang bước về phía bạn í. Tui lại belike: Ơ ơ... đừng lạnh lùng girl như thế chứ🥹 (mặc dù tui cũng tỏ ra nạnh nùng như thế lắm).. cái đồ gây thương nhớ xong cho người ta xong bỏ đi thế là sao🥹
Đúng là người xấu luôn sống thảnh thơi mà

Hãy kể về lần rung động gần đây nhất của cậu😉

Hm.. chuyện là gần đây tui có thích một bạn tomboy, tại bị ấn tượng bởi cái răng khểnh á chờii><, xong cái thấy cũng dth này nọ, cười lên cưng xỉu luôn í. Rồi tui cũng phân vân thắc mắc dữ lắm, tại ko biết bạn í thích nam hay nữ zậy??? Nhưng mà rồi xu cái luôn là tui thấy bạn í hay cặp kè với một bạn nữ khác nhìn rất tình nhau và tui belike: " Vậy là chấm hết rồi đúng không? Vậy là tất cả đổ xuống sông?.." Quá sad🥹

It’s Wednesday again and I wanna now your women crushes? Show WCW please

Lostgirl_inidenty’s Profile PhotoDonata
Na dann führe ich doch mal im Herzen meine Musikfragerei weiter und sage: Soyeon! (von (G)-IDLE)
Bin total obsessed with NXDE (und irgendwie auch immernoch mit Tomboy) und liebe ja sowieso außergewöhnliche Stimmen. Mal davon abgesehen dass sie einfach ne super coole Socke ist und gute Songs schreibt. :D
Its Wednesday again and I wanna now your women crushes Show WCW please

How handy would you say that you are? Like, would you know how to unclog a drain, defrost a freezer etc. if the situation called for it? 🛠

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I'm pretty handy with that kind of stuff and I'm a pretty good mechanic too. I have three brothers and I was a tomboy so they taught me

Pernah duluuu waktu SMP (Skrng umur 22 th) punya temen cewek tomboy dia baik, perhatian, usil juga, perlakuannya kayak cowok ke cewek dah pokoknya. ternyata dia suka aku dan aku di tembak dan ku terima dong(aku cewek ya). Kek gitu termasuk penyimpangan atau gmna ya?

Menurut anda gimana?
menurut aku ya itu menyimpang, klo bisa di perbaiki ya silahkan, jangan sampe keterusan nyimpangnya

Ano po advice niyo po para sa relationship namin na hindi namin masimulan financially kasi priority niya muna fam niya? Ang hirap pala istable yung financial life kasi yung iniipon ko para samin at future namin pero gusto niya unahin muna niya family niya ----

Martyr Savior Syndrome ka naman because you want to save her entire family from their financial troubles and now you resent them all for it. It's time to regroup and redefine your goals. What are your goals together? Bubukod ba siya? Mag-iipon ba kayo for emergency or for a house or retirememnt? What's the timeline? If she wants to prioritize her family, hanggang kailan? Because her family's troubles will never end. Walang nag-obliga sa iyong ibigay ang ipon mo at hayaan siyang ibigay sa kanila ang regalo mo, but what you allow will continue. Talk and decide if this is the relationship you want. Don't be that same old martyr tomboy story na sarili ang sinakripisyo and in the end yung iba ang nakinabang at guminhawa. They will not save you or even help you in your old age. You can only rely on yourself especially because alam mong hindi Ikaw ang priority. This is not a secret, so don't rely on a miracle para may mag-alaga sa iyo. Take care of yourself.

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Ano po advice niyo po para sa relationship namin na hindi namin masimulan

Ha teljes mértékben te alkothatnád meg a külsődet (ebben az esetben nem kell az adottságokat figyelembe venni) hogy néznél ki? Képet is csatolhatsz :)

alkalmikerdesek’s Profile PhotoAlkalmi kérdések
- Androgynous vonások. Az, hogy tomboy leszek-e aznap vagy lányos lány, attól függne, hogy hogy sminkelek.
- Határozottan vékony, lapos alkat. Mondhatnám erre is, hogy inkább androgynous
- Sokkal magasabb nem akarok lenni, mert szerintem nem passzolna túlságosan ehhez a külsőhöz, de mondjuk legyen 165 cm. Az csak kicsivel magasabb, mint amennyi vagyok.
- Zöldes-barna szemek. Számomra mindig ez volt a legszebb. Vagy valami nagyon szép, tiszta kék, de alapvetően jobban szeretem a sötét szemeket, mert olyan melegséget árasztanak. A lényeg. hogy nagy legyen, hosszú szempillákkal :D
- Sűrű, sötét, természetes szemöldök
- Csontos kezecskék, hosszú ujjak. Jó, mondjuk eleve ilyen, amire amúgy tök büszke vagyok (xdd), de azért lehetne szebb :D
- A haj egy elég változtatható dolog, de legyen mondjuk fekete vagy sötétbarna, mert az az én színem.
- Szeplők
Ilyesmi vibera gondoltam:

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Ha teljes mértékben te alkothatnád meg a külsődet ebben az esetben nem kell az

Do you have a strong conviction that you have the typical feelings and reactions of your true gender?

I don't believe genders have "typical feelings and reactions" assigned to them automatically, but we *are* socialized as the gender we were assigned at birth, which is why an emotional response in a man will often vary wildly to an emotional response in a woman. It's not innate, it's taught.
I'm a nonbinary person socialized as a girl/woman, and some of my behaviours do reflect that, as said socialization was part of the building blocks for my psyche. In spite of that, I was always more of a "tomboy" and ambivalent towards the concept of gender overall, so even as a child there were ways in which I didn't appear to be a "typical girl", nor cared to be one. I found it especially limiting and, at times, uncomfortable.
Having an experience like mine doesn't necessarily mean a person is nonbinary; even people with binary genders don't have to appear or act "typically" like they were socialized to - or to "typically" conform to the gender they're coming out as - to be who they say they are. Gender is an extremely simplified perception of the complicated relationship between the even more complicated areas of human biology and human psychology (with oppression and s*xuality thrown in there, for extra ✨spice✨), applied at birth and enforced via indoctrination of young people. You have every right to be uncomfortable with what you're taught, whether you identify with your assigned gender or not.

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If I like to wear jeans shirts logon ko lagta main tomboy hon bht muhkhtasir c soch ho Gai hai logon ki the tomboy hona koi buri bat nai apni apni choice ki bat hoti or logon ko judge krny ka bhi right nai but I just like jeans shirts kurta pajama kbhi kbhi nazakat bhi.... So don't judge plz .

People will judge you right from the day you're born to your death bed. We all have a worldview, we can't stop people or make them understand our intentions every time. So don't bother sweetheart, do what makes you feel content, happy & more of yourself. They people who are for you will gravitate towards you automatically without questioning. ❤️

If I like to wear jeans shirts logon ko lagta main tomboy hon bht muhkhtasir c soch ho Gai hai logon ki the tomboy hona koi buri bat nai apni apni choice ki bat hoti or logon ko judge krny ka bhi right nai but I just like jeans shirts kurta pajama kbhi kbhi nazakat bhi.... So don't judge plz .

You should do what you like.. logon ka bass chly wo to kafan ko b judge krna shuru kr dain. So live your life as u want. ✌🏻

What do you miss about being a kid? 🌸

helomoto11’s Profile PhotoShiza ♡
Just being a tomboy, dressing like one,punching the shit out of my cousins, they had this game where one would flip the light off and all the 5 boys would come and beat me up😭 punching and kicking the dark and fighting for my life bro 😂😂😂 I love it, i still do those but with my other friends 🧚🏻‍♀️

If I like to wear jeans shirts logon ko lagta main tomboy hon bht muhkhtasir c soch ho Gai hai logon ki the tomboy hona koi buri bat nai apni apni choice ki bat hoti or logon ko judge krny ka bhi right nai but I just like jeans shirts kurta pajama kbhi kbhi nazakat bhi.... So don't judge plz .

کچھ تو لوگ کہیں گے........
لوگوں کا کیا ہے وہ تو کچھ نہ کچھ کہتے رہتے ہیں ، کسی کو اپنی مرضی سے جینے نہیں دیتے

If I like to wear jeans shirts logon ko lagta main tomboy hon bht muhkhtasir c soch ho Gai hai logon ki the tomboy hona koi buri bat nai apni apni choice ki bat hoti or logon ko judge krny ka bhi right nai but I just like jeans shirts kurta pajama kbhi kbhi nazakat bhi.... So don't judge plz .

Ok Munazza but you don't need to give explanation to those people as well specially here on ask. Do whatever you want. Ap apny har amal ki jawab dy ALLAH ko Hain so wahan k lie jawab dhnd k rakhen logn k lie nae. 🌸

If I like to wear jeans shirts logon ko lagta main tomboy hon bht muhkhtasir c soch ho Gai hai logon ki the tomboy hona koi buri bat nai apni apni choice ki bat hoti or logon ko judge krny ka bhi right nai but I just like jeans shirts kurta pajama kbhi kbhi nazakat bhi.... So don't judge plz .

These are the things people should know who are close to you ask k shout-out p hi aelan kr diya apny jahan adi awam apko janti tak nai 😐

If I like to wear jeans shirts logon ko lagta main tomboy hon bht muhkhtasir c soch ho Gai hai logon ki the tomboy hona koi buri bat nai apni apni choice ki bat hoti or logon ko judge krny ka bhi right nai but I just like jeans shirts kurta pajama kbhi kbhi nazakat bhi.... So don't judge plz .

I got your point bs yah smjh ni arhi k jean shirts yah kurta pajama sy koi tomboy kesy bn jata?
They wear whateve you want.. wear which suits you....
Also tomboy they are cute too because they are kind hearted ❤️
And rhi bt judge krni ki toh ajkl log abaya phn'na walon ko b judge krty hain

Tudom hogy ott vannak a tomboyok, de arra is van valami név amikor egy lány fiúsan öltözik, nagyon rövid haja van és általában jól tud rajzolni vagy szeret olvasni, gamer, animét néz (satöbbi ehhez hasonló dolgok érdeklik) de közben ezen kívül heteró és nőies?

Egy tomboy, aki szeret olvasni, jól tud rajzolni, gamer, és animét néz. Bár nem sok heteró tomboyal találkoztam még xd

Do you feel more comfortable in masculine or feminine clothes

I feel more myself when it’s more masculine presenting in clothes, but I also like to wear makeup and appear feminine in that sense! I guess it’s a mixture of both, essentially just being a bit of a tomboy, as I’m very much not a ‘girly girl’, aha. As in, I feel very uncomfortable in dresses or skirts, so I never wear them, etc.

Should I cut my hair now? Mahaba na kasi napagkakamalan na akong babae

depende yan sa looks at datingan mo lods 😆 wag kang matulad sakin, pagupit o hindi, mukha na talaga akong babae mostly sa karamihan HAHAHA minsan tomboy pa 🤦🏻‍♂️😂 ndi ko alam pano mag adjust minsan, kaya instead of responding verbally, I usually smile nalang tapos never bother to converse with them or even walk out for the better HAHAHA

Megvagy elégedve a testeddel? /miért?/

Genetikailag jó adottságokka rendelkezem ( a betegségeimtől eltekintve. :D ), amit ifjúként nem igazán értékeltem, mert nem érdekelt különösebben a külsőm. Elég tomboy voltam, rengeteg férfi és bő ruhát hordtam, hogy elrejtsem a testemet. Nem azért, mert szégyelltem volna, vagy akármi, egyszerűen csak nem akartam mutogatni.
Aztán mikor kezdett már megérni bennem az, hogy akkor nőiesebben öltözködjek, akkor híztam meg nagyon, ami persze elvette a kedvemet az élettől. Nem öltözködhettem úgy, ahogy akartam, és még a régi, kedvelt bő ruháim is pont jók lettek rám. Ekkor kezdtem nagyon kritikus lenni a testemmel és mindenemben a hibát látni.
Végül nem emlékszem a pontos sorrendre, de egyrészről sikerült valamennyit lefogynom - ha a régi súlyom nem is nyertem vissza -, másrészről a combomra készült tetoválás nagyot adott az önbizalmamnak. Azóta elfogadtam a vastag combjaimat és a széles csípőmet, és tudom jól, hogy így szexik.
Most már tudom, ha bármivel újra problémám lenne, akkor csak rátetováltatok és minden rendbe jön. :D

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Megvagy elégedve a testeddel miért

Yung roommate ko sa dorm palasimba e tomboy naman; may jowang babae. Pwede ba yun? You cannot practice homosexual lifestyle then palasimba ka.

Are you God? Did you write the rules? At paki mo kung anong ginagawa ng roommate mo at paano niya sambahin ang diyos niya? Ikaw na nagpi-premarital sex (o mag pi-premarital sex, kasi gagawin mo yan pramis, at tandaan mo ito paghawak mo ang ari ng lalake), puede magsimba? O dapat bawalan ka din based sa ginagawa mong ayaw ng simbahan? Ang simbahan at relihiyon ay gawa ng tao at hindi ng dios. Walang nakakaalam ng tunay na kagustuhan ng diyos dahil isang kathang-paniniwala lang ito. Unless anak ka ng dios, the best thing for you to do is mind your own business. Mag-aral ka at huwag magkunwaring kaibigan ng roommate mo dahil hinuhusgahan mo siya. Nakakadiri ka. Ikaw ang dapat kamuhian ng dios na mapagmahal.

Van itt még valaki, akinek a fiúsan rövid hajú lányok az esete? Nekem volt gimiben egy rövid hajú crushom, kicsit ilyen "tomboy" személyiség is volt, azóta szinte csak őket keresem...

Ha jol all a lanynak, aki megfog, vonzo tud lenni a rovid haj... De inkabb a hosszura szavadok...
Viszont O, hat ize, azert valljuk be, hogy Pink elegge ott van. 😍😍
Liked by: roll_n_stone Reni

gua punya cwe, tomboy, trus gua pengen ngrubah dia jd feminim, tp dianya gak mau, kek mana dong.

Kenapa sih harus berubah sifat orang… sifat orang ngk bakal bisa berubah yang harus kita lakuin terima bagaimana dianya

Street nhưng vẫn cố viết vài dòng .-.

Đúng như dự đoán, một nửa tháng 6 nói gì nó cứ trôi qua êm ả như thế không giống lẽ thường? Hóa ra là sóng yên biển lặng chờ đến tháng 7 mới tấp vào bờ. Hàng loạt deadline, task, timeline chờ đón mình ngay tuần đầu tiên của tháng 7. Cảm nghĩ là gì? À, khá sốc (vì lười biếng một thời gian khá dài rồi giờ nhào lại vào guồng quay chưa kịp thích ứng). Đầu tháng 7 còn chào đón mình bằng một cơn trầm cảm nhẹ vì điểm số, áp lực, so sánh blah blah đến từ những người bạn tuyệt vời hông hiểu sao cứ tìm đến mình... :). May là đến tối thì đỡ hơn vì cuối cùng thì mối quan hệ giữa mình và nhỏ bạn thân cũng về lại quỹ đạo. Cuối cùng thì drama cuộc đời vừa tấu hài vừa khổ đau của mình cũng lại có người để thưởng thức cùng .-. Cả buổi tối ngoài chạy deadline thì tấu hài với nó cũng giảm đi được bao nhiêu là căng thẳng. Giờ cái ý chí 3 năm sau tốt nghiệp kéo nó vào Sài Gòn với mình lại trỗi dậy :). Ôi hạnh phúc cuộc đời mình mà chả nhẽ lại yêu xa (đùa thôi :b). Nó kêu mình đi ngủ sớm nên là giờ đánh lách cách mấy dòng để đi ngủ thôi. Keme cuộc đời, keme deadline :)
*Và đây là một chiếc ảnh mình vẽ mình và nó hồi mình còn cut tóc tomboy và mọi người tưởng mình chơi bede
*À chắc mình sẽ kể về những lần nhầm lẫn siêu chmua hme của mọi người nghĩ mình bede vì cut tóc tomboy vào một dịp nào đó quá, vì nó hài .-.

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Queen of Ireland. Were you a tomboy when you were young .I mean when you were younger. ☺

Thank you for using my latest title , you obviously know your Gaeilge....maith thú
strange question , kind of yes but still a degree of femininity , a minx you might say, think I answered this before? liked doing tomboy stuff but not flat out 100% tomboy..bit long winded ...soz but think I nailed it in the end

Feminim atau tomboy?

Gua berpakaian tergantung situasi, gak feminim jg gak tomboy2 jg
Misal lagi traveling/hangout lebih kek casual santuy. Tp kalo lagi kondangan kek pake dress/outer panjang. Gtgt deh
Liked by: Belskyy Nina Ivana

Etong katrabaho ko tinanong ko lang kung pano sila magsex at kung gumagamit ba sila ng dildo ng jowa nyang tomboy aba nagalit. She told me, "If ulitin mo pa tanungin sakin yan, I will report you to HR." Sabay walk out. Gosh, ang sensitive ha.

You should be fired actually. I hope she goes to HR. Also I hope you get what you deserve in life. 👌

Гениальный ответ. Какую бы эротическую окраску ни носили мои вопросы, ваши ответы всегда ускользают из-под нее в сторону дружеской нейтральности. Tomboy совершенно прекрасный

Я всегда от такой окраски ухожу, потому что не особо люблю разговаривать на такие темы, так как мне кажется это бесполезным
+1 answer in: “Горят ли обычно твои губы после поцелуя? Или они наоборот остывают?”

hey gurl! menurut kmu, kamunya itu feminim atau tomboy? listen gurl! whatever you are, you're absolutely gorgeous✨

Menurut aku, akutuh pertengahan gitu ga tomboy ga feminim. Tapi kata org" akutuh cewe bgt thats mean feminim huehue
Liked by: Ci ɦαɳµɱ

03 ᵀᵒᵐᵇᵒʸˑ ᴬˡʳᶤᵍʰᵗ˒ ᶜᵃˡˡ ᵐᵉ ᵃ ᵗᵒᵐᵇᵒʸˑ ᵀᵒᵐᵇᵒʸˢ ᵍᵉᵗ ᵐᵉᵈᵃˡˢˑ ᵀᵒᵐᵇᵒʸˢ ʷᶤᶰ ᶜʰᵃᵐᵖᶤᵒᶰˢʰᶤᵖˢˑ ᵀᵒᵐᵇᵒʸˢ ᶜᵃᶰ ᶠˡʸˑ ᴼʰˑ ᴬᶰᵈ ᵗᵒᵐᵇᵒʸˢ ᵃʳᵉᶰ'ᵗ ᵇᵒʸˢˑ

Il suo abbigliamento è trasandato, sciatto, perché non le importa di apparire curata e femminile come la sorella; per lei conta ciò che la persona ha dentro, la sostanza.
✦ ρꫀ᥅ᦓꪮꪀꪖꪶ꠸ꪻà:
Zelda è testarda, maliziosa e ribelle; amichevole e alla mano, non si fa troppi scrupoli a stringere nuove amicizie. Inoltre è incredibilmente diretta; un'arma a doppio taglio, considerando il fatto che spesso e volentieri ricorre a un linguaggio scurrile per esprimere concetti. È l'archetipo della ragazza tomboy sincera, caotica, un po' perdigiorno ─ un po' tanto ─ e amante del rischio. È sarcastica, ironica ed autoironica; non sopporta le persone false e chiuse mentalmente. Non conviene inimicarsela, poiché è parecchio impulsiva e tendente alla rabbia, che riesce a mitigare grazie all'intervento della gemella: se non fosse per Zelie, Zelda si caccerebbe nei guai ventiquattro ore su ventiquattro. Nonostante l'aspetto esteriore rozzo, Zelda è in realtà una persona insicura e ansiosa; la sua recitazione dura potrebbe essere una facciata che ha costruito per proteggersi da ulteriori sofferenze.
✦ ᥇꠸ꪮᧁ᥅ꪖᠻ꠸ꪖ:
› 30 maggio 2002: nascita. Zelda è di pochi minuti più grande rispetto a Zelie, la gemella.
› 10 febbraio 2008: iscrizione alla Dance Academy di Attleboro, Massachussets. Sylvie voleva placare l'animo turbolento della figlia e ci riuscirà tramite la danza. Se Zelda farà breakdance e hip-hop, la gemella propenderà invece per danza classica e danza moderna.
› 2 settembre 2012: la tragedia. Sylvie, camminando per la strada in forma gatto, verrà investita da un'auto; diventerà paraplegica, provocando un'insanabile rottura nel nucleo famigliare.
› 20 giugno 2014: divorzio. Qualche mese dopo, Simon vincerà la causa legale, portando via le piccole Siamese dalla ex moglie. Prima di iscriversi al college, Zelda e Zelie hanno vissuto per i restanti sei anni con il padre e la nuova compagna. Per Zelda è la caduta di un mito, per Zelie invece è astio puro verso il genitore. ( continua )

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03 ᵀᵒᵐᵇᵒʸˑ ᴬˡʳᶤᵍʰᵗ ᶜᵃˡˡ ᵐᵉ ᵃ ᵗᵒᵐᵇᵒʸˑ ᵀᵒᵐᵇᵒʸˢ ᵍᵉᵗ ᵐᵉᵈᵃˡˢˑ ᵀᵒᵐᵇᵒʸˢ ʷᶤᶰ

Mulheres, se na balada vc conhece o homem mais charmoso e bonito que já viu na vida, beija ele por horas, até que te convida pro /m.o.t.e.l/, e quando ele tira a roupa descobre que em vez de ba.nana ele tem uma ra.cha, e o volume era só meia. Qual a sua reação?

Ia me esbaldar nony! Adoro tomboy
Liked by: 匚 卂 Ҝ 乇 João
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Otázka pro holky: Nosíte v zimě šaty, nebo sukně? Otázka pro kluky: Jak vnímáte ženu v saku, nebo celkově ženu, která se stylizuje a chová jako muž.

Ady269’s Profile Photosatanovakamaradka
Ženu v saku vnímám dobře, je to stylové, slušňácké, inteligentní a sexy (viz. obr.). Dámská saka jsou jiná než mužská, nevnímám je jako něco pánského.
Mě se styl tzv. Tomboy líbí, ale čeho je moc, toho je moc.
Otázka pro holky Nosíte v zimě šaty nebo sukně 
Otázka pro kluky Jak vnímáte

Pwede po bang maging Christian at tomboy at the same time? For me may mali po. Para lang yan na kapag Muslim ka hindi ka pwede kumain ng baboy. Makes sense?

Eh Christian na manyakis puwede? Halos lahat kaya. Christian na sinungaling? Magnanakaw? Babaero? Nambubugbog ng asawa? Andami diyan. Huwag mong pakialaman ang kapwa mo at sarili mo lang ang bakuran mo. May muslim na kumakain ng baboy at umiinom ng alak pero buhay nila yun e. Lahat tayo may sariling pagkaintindi ng pananampalataya natin. Yung walang relasyon sa dios nila at sariling espirituwalidad lang ang mahilig mampulis at manghusga ng ibang tao. At andami dami dami dami dami dami dami dami dami dami dami dami daming tomboy at bakla na relihiyoso. Ikaw lang ang hindi marunong maging Kristyano.

Are girls more dramatic than boys?

Sunan Lee
Being a girl is stressful and hard sometimes.: Some girls might be mean or dramatic because of the pressure they face.
Try to put yourself in other girls’ shoes sometimes. Most of the time, girls aren’t mean just for fun – they’re mean because of some struggles they might be dealing with.
It implies that being a boy is better than being a girl.: One of the guys” or a “tomboy” instead of just being a girl with a cool personality.
What’s up with that?.

Language: English