
Dan Kim

Ask @CloneManga

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You retweet SSSucubus a lot do you give her money? If so how do you justify that? Or do you do it because she reminds you of cupcake if she were real.

Nope, I don't give her money.
And she's not nearly flat enough to remind me of my a cutest and a best.
Liked by: Evil Steve

Uh, hi! You randomly popped up in my feed one day and I'm quite confused on who you are and what you do. I mean, I get the gist that you're an artist, but do you just draw random characters? Do you draw any comics or whatever? Sorry for my stupidity and thanks in advance!

I draw all the comics at: http://manga.clone-army.org
Mostly I draw my own characters. : >
No problem, and cake it easy~
Liked by: Evil Steve

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Are all your characters lesbians?

Nope. Maria Starlight craves the D, most of the Templar want the D even though they've never seen a man before, and Bikky is into fuzzy bat feet.
Liked by: Evil Steve

Daddy, Darkcake here, that why you never come to see me? Because i am flat? It's no my fault. I will go thought surgery if that is necessary to you to notice me ;w;

You're not Darkcake. Darkcake types properly and never uses faces.
Cupcake, stop trying to make your sister look bad. This is low, even for you.
Liked by: Evil Steve

Clearly Espernyan will dress like a cake and he and Cupcake will get frosted by a bunch of Chads in videos online right?

T-That was Espernyan?!
Liked by: Evil Steve

You hear a knock on the door. You open the door. It's a girl dressed like Sakura. She looks like Sakura and sounds like her. She will do anything for you. Problem is, you can't tell how old she is. Would you take it all the way or are you too scared to take the risk of a lifetime Danpai?

If I can't tell, neither can anyone else.
Plausible deniability. Let's bake some cakes.
Liked by: Evil Steve

When Espernyan and Cupcake get married, will Cupcake be the frost-er or the frost-ee? I can't envision Esper frosting anyone

>Marrying a non-Chad
toppest of caeks were had
HA ha
ha... ha ha...
ha... ;~;
Liked by: Evil Steve

Now that she's been dethroned, is Cupcake working a job or going out and doing actual magical girl things?

She's going to be a NEET and post pics of herself online for easy cakebux.
Liked by: Evil Steve

I have discovered another connection that links Darkcake to Rei... she likes Frank Sinatra, He sang Fly Me to The Moon, that song is also the ED of Evangelion, Rei also sang that song. BOOM!

>: T
Liked by: Evil Steve

How does it feel to flanderize one of your own characters to the point that even you treat her like a dank maymay

Actually, compared to her initial conception as a cupcake-eating maid only good for her butt, she's done okay -- she has a half sister she kinda sorta looks out for despite herself, but she's otherwise the perfect embodiment of an age of cheap fun, short attention spans, on-demand attention, and narcissism... and of course there's the split between her online personality her meatspace self... not that anyone would know about that...
anyway, pls b a respect on a caek

Right now I'm reading through some stuff by Jaegwon Kim and David Chalmers in preparation for On The Subject of Witches. || Chalmers has some really interesting things to say in philosophy of mind, one of my favs. I have to suggest the opposing classic "What's it like to be a bat?" by Thomas Nagel

"It's pwetty okay bweh"
-"What it is like to be a bweh" by a cutest and bweh
probwehm solved
nobwehl prize please
Liked by: Evil Steve nyandemo

Can I pat the head of your adorable doughters?

You can send presents to Cupcake if you want. She gets a lot of those from her Twitch subs.
"pk welcom2 club a caekest! ur a caek! wow thx4 ur sub 2me hi"
Those poor souls.
Liked by: Evil Steve

How do you make people read your stuff? ... and if possible, give you an opinion afterwards.

Hmm... how do you MAKE them? I dunno.
Just put your stuff out there and wait for shitposts, I guess... that's the way I've always done it.
Liked by: Evil Steve

Have you ever studied philosophy, either formally or informally? Which philosophers are your favorite?

I started reading Descartes' Meditations during my first year of highschool and I've been reading stuff informally here and there since then. I used to take it all very seriously, but now I really only read to try and clean up ideas that bother me (or get to the point were things get so bloodless and boring that I can't remember why they bothered me in the first place) and to prep myself for more serious comic projects.
These days I don't really like the idea of having a favorite, but I can say that reading the arc of Richard Rorty's stuff in my mid-late 20s really helped me get my feet back on the ground and take the whole shebang as one more human activity amongst others and not as an attempt to somehow leap outside yourself, see into Reality As It Really Is, and take the "view from nowhere". I think that was healthy change. I am less enthusiastic about his political writings these days... I think we're too constrained by biology and our own uniquely perverse natures to be the kind of cruelty-hating, self-creating poets that he hand in mind... but it was a nice dream.
Right now I'm reading through some stuff by Jaegwon Kim and David Chalmers in preparation for On The Subject of Witches. Well, more like they're on the too-read pile since I'm still busy working on this Ubi sideproject thing. >: T

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Liked by: Evil Steve


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