
Dan Kim

Ask @CloneManga

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Nah. He sold to literal SJW, renouncing the very soul of imageboards to try to secure his own future. Outright censorship on an imageboard just ain't right. Instead of actually letting it go he decided to fuck us over to make some dosh and look good to his new friends. Fuck. Him. I'm glad I left.

moot gave us the prime of his life and gave me my home on the net. Whatever happens now, I'll always be grateful for that.
Asuka a shit though.

And now I'm pissed at moot for being a giant fag and ruining everything forever, I'll just go read some Tomoyo to cheer up or something.

I think moot did the right thing... He knew he was changing. Better to let it go.
I wonder what he's up to now... ... ;~;

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Thanks for being approachable and actually taking time to put up with our collective bullshit be it here, on twatter or some other places. ~~Love; some random channer.

No need to thank me - you guys are my peeps, anon. =3=

Hey, Dan. What fansubs do you recommend?

Do you mean groups or series?
series: I'm waiting for Non Non Biyori season 2. You should watch/read Knights of Sidonia if you're not doing that already.
Groups: I don't have any group preferences... I just end up downloading every version of ep 1 and then sticking with the group I like best.

I'm happy for Gates animu but where's my Drifters adaptation.

Never read it... ;w;
Well, if it has cute monster girls, there's hope.

Sempai, if I get two BLUE FLAMES, can I use them to buff one another? I know I can do the Y-dual-wield-thingie with at least one, and I can buff the one I have, but can I have two buffed sword-catalysts? Can dual blue flames melt steel beams?

I honestly don't remember... worth trying out, though!
And congrats on finishing Dark Souls 1 and moving on to Dark Souls 2!

Can you Imagine the Himehorns having a Magical Girl transformation like in Sailormoon ?

Are you talking about Starry Leedah Saint Blossom?
Liked by: Evil Steve

>Stop trying to make Flapjack a thing! || I didn't do that, Chad McHugehands did.

>I'll never accept Flapjack into my heart!! || It's not the child's fault that Chad McHugehands frosted Cupcake. You have to accept what happened Dan.
I'm sorry my super a cutest...! I should have watched Cupcake more carefully...! Forgive me...! ;~~~~;
Liked by: Evil Steve

What would you do if you lost the ability to draw one day?

Make games with programmer art, write short stories, and draw comics that don't depend on fancy artwork. =w=
Now if I go blind, I'm really boned. I guess I'd have to write using a special keyboard and text-to-speech. Maybe I'd focus more on piano, too.
Liked by: Evil Steve

Well at least you have baby Flapjack McHugehands to spoil until Sakura is on speaking terms with you again! You can inspire the love of cartoon butts in him!

Stop trying to make Flapjack a thing! I'll never accept Flapjack into my heart!! >: T
Liked by: Evil Steve

Well at least you're doing something you like for Canada day. So you have a tumblr, do you just use it to keep track of awesome artists like Hushabye? (Who everyone should check out even if ew Tumblr. Some slight nswf material.)

Yup, exactly.
I also follow art rebloggers, like sushiobunny.tumblr.com .
Liked by: Leedah


Language: English