
Dan Kim

Ask @CloneManga

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All your characters should have an ask.fm ... just imagine ALL the questions they would get. =3=

>bat's ask.fm
30,000 questions all answered with "BWEH"
Liked by: Evil Steve

Cupcake + Shimakaze ?!... *nosebleeding intensifies* ... g-get me a transfusion... I will need it... I ... want ... more ... shimakaze...

Too bad! But you can have more Cupcake:

we have a over abundance of cupcaeks and butss yet a distinct lack of workinh podcast links ;-; nudge nudge i wanna feel your voice...wut

>overabundance of cupcaek
There's no such thing as too much caek, only #2caek

Related users

how many cupcaeks wuld a cupcaek cup if a cupcaek 2 could caek

ok hi i cud do on a caek 2MUCH a caek lol yeh bt4 reel i cud 2caek =3= muu

... usually only possible by taking damage from holy weapons ... ||| I see, so the bolter or the flamer are not enough, uh? I am calling the Librarian...

Good idea, just watch out of the weirdos -- the Great Hall is full of 'em.

Do you ever worry that your work lacks verisimilitude because of your own inexperience? For example, you don't seem to believe in romantic relationships for yourself but Vampire Bride is a love story. I know it's all fantasy and witches in the end, but even fantastical stories reflect the human soul

It's not something I worry about -- I'm not interested in portraying reality and certainly not interested in either reflecting or projecting the "human soul". I have no idea what that is or what it could be. All I am interested in doing is following the internal contours of the work, tracing them out with my hands, and sharpening my senses so I can do that better.
Liked by: Evil Steve

So if I understand, even if you mortally wound one side of the vampire "card", the vampire can escape destruction by virtue of retreating into the other form. But won't their damage be retained when they go back to the form they were wounded in? Could you not kill a vampire just by wounding both f

While the other side is "face down" it will regenerate so long as the "showing face" takes in enough blood.
If the "showing face" is "destroyed" the vampire will try to find another vessel for its spirit in this world. If it can't, or if both faces are destroyed (usually only possible by taking damage from holy weapons) then the vampire will lose its grip on this world and return to the darkness.

you have to take special measures to destroy both sides of the card/// One usually way to kill vampires is Holy Water but is there something that works like Holy Water in the Vampire Bride world?

They do! Holy water works, so do holy bullets (which contain a single molecule from an iron nail from the True Cross). More info on vampires and how to kill them: http://manga.clone-army.org/wiki.php?entry=vampires

/ic/ hates Loomis because Loomis drew from reference and never actually used the methods that he is teaching. Glen Vilppu 4 life. Also, do you not hang out on /ic/ because of the bad attitude they have, or you've just never been interested?

Ah, /a/ and /v/ are my home boards these days. I don't really visit /ic/ ... no real reason.

Where do the bat socks come from? Where do her humanoid clothes when she transforms?

The bat socks the very first present she got from Bikky. She'll treasure them forever and hates taking them off.
As for her clothes... a true vampire's transformation is more like flipping a card than reshaping some putty. You can put something on one side of the card, but it disappears when you flip the card over. This also means that true vampires are almost unkillable through normal means -- you have to take special measures to destroy both sides of the card.

I'm going to cut the egg out of the Himehorn plush and put a cloaca shaped fleshlite in.

WARNING TO @himehorn !!
Don't let any more nohorns in your cave! This is what they're really like!!

Plotwist: The guy who take the bweh actually die from cuteness and dead people can't mail things

I told him not to take the socks off... that's her cutest and most dangerous part.... >: T

Hornmother plushy with an egg that drops out when squeezed. I have an improvement. The egg opens up and has a Leedah smallhorn inside holding a little flag with "nohorn go home" on it..=P

I'll take five hundred!

>When is the himehorn world tour? || Fair warning Dan, You might want to save yourself the heartbreak and just make purchasable himehorn dolls rather than do a himehorn world tour. I saw the anger and hate the bat-theft got for what he did, and I'd risk that to have a cute Himehorn doll.

Maybe you're right.

So, sempai. How about we let you sell your titty elf Skyrim mods on steam? We'll give ya a whole twenty-five percent of the dough. Whaddya say?

Liked by: Nubum

... not even a drill lesson about cake butts and DFC/DCT/CCS or something?

Well, maybe we can appreciate some DFC together or something... but honestly, that's better done on your own time, if you know what I mean. =3=

What were some books and resources that were most influential to you in building your illustration skillset?

Honestly, my skillset is not very good -- Loomis helped, looking at Sushio and You Yoshinari's stuff helped. Also for my stark black and white style, looking at Sin City and Nihei's stuff helped a lot.

Since you are only going to limit bweh to people you trust, shouldn't you change your patreon goals then? Because wouldn't it be lieing to any future people who want to sign up?

Yeah, I gotta figure out a good system. One option is limit it to just folks I trust -- another option someone suggested is a deposit/refund system (jf you're next on the list, deposit $50 -- you get it back when you send her off) ... I gotta give it a little more thought... Maybe I'll just ask the folks on Patreon how they want to do things...

If you had to train a successor of your art and teachings; How would you train it and why?

Send 'em to a proper art school, I guess. I have nothing particularly unique to pass on.

... don't confuse wisdom with knowledge.

Did you know if a hornmother suffers from mineral poor diet or is forced to perform hard labour she can suffer from a prolapsed cloaca? Sometimes a haremhorn has to push it back in... it's extremely painful and can lead to infection, sickness, and all kinds of complications.... even death. A hornmother's body won't stop producing eggs, even if her cloaca is damaged... it's a terrible sight to behold. Sometimes a hornmother will beg for death, but the haremhorns can neverforce themselves to do it...


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