
My Name Esteban

Ask @esteban060513

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What mobile apps do you use the most?

Goodnight @doniaelbehairy9 🌚
I wish you are fantastic | magnificent. 🐣
Well, as yo can see in the image there are common apps; youtube ¦ of course Ask.fm and others.🔮🖼️
Happy rest and take care of yourself, ✨
Regarding you, which apps do you use regularly?
What mobile apps do you use the most


nehadkhalifa1’s Profile PhotoMarvelous
🎭Good Morning @nehadkhalifa1
I wish you are phenomenal. ✨
The beauty of a rose has no comparison with the sweetness of your face and the beauty of your heart. You are magnificent. ☸️🔛
Greetings, (-::-)
#Romantic compliments
Good Morning nehadkhalifa1
I wish you are phenomenal 

The beauty of a rose

What do you find hard to accept about yourself?

YaoiMasterSadist’s Profile PhotoShenzo ❤ Sho ~
Goodnight @YaoiMasterSadist
I wish you are fantastic. 🗯️🧘‍♀️
Well, Why Self-Acceptance Is Complex: Educating ourselves to be okay with all of our parts can be difficult, but with a little theory, we can learn the art of self-acceptance.
How to accept yourself?
1 Forgiving us | 2 Exercise self-compassion | 3 Use present moment awareness and attention | 4 Recognize and love your talents | 5 Ignoring our inner critic | 6 Connect with loved ones who appreciate us | 7 Move on from disappointments | 8 Get an insight into our limitations. 🌴🌉
Greetings, ✨

¿Cuál es la mejor manera de arreglar un corazón roto?🖤

karin_pc’s Profile PhotoKARIN PAREDES
Buenas Noches @karin_pc
Espero se encuentre excelente.
Cómo curar un ❤️ roto? Bien, No intente de aparentar que todo está en orden. Dedica tiempo con amigos y comparte con ellos tu pena y tortura. Oblígate a socializar, aunque no tengas deseos de hacerlo. Planifica citas para almuerzos y cenas, actividades nocturnas. Invita a los amigos a tu casa a compartir un vino o una taza de té. Manténte distraído hasta que te sientas restablecido, e incluso entonces, es una buena idea tener una agenda social full.☺️🚶🧘‍♀️

ڪ ⇣⇣ ⇠ ® 💞 ƒ૨εε รpαcε ⇢ ⇡⇡ ڪ

Good Afternoon nice girl @Esoparati 🙂
I wish you are amazing.
Without further delay the answer to your query 👻 ~Spiritual phrase~ 'You don't always need a plan, sometimes you just need to breath, trust, let go & visualize what happens' 👈 positive quote. ⚡ #motivavation #positivethinking #
Best regards, 🌻
ڪ     ƒεε รpαcε   ڪ

¿como seria tu ideal?

🎈"Describiría el trabajo ideal como un trabajo que aprovecha al máximo mis calificaciones y habilidades, y me da la oportunidad de desafiarme constantemente. Busco un empleo estable con supervisión de calidad, cultura laboral positiva en una empresa exitosa que me anime a trabajar de la mejor manera ”.💎👔 #crecimientopersonal #excelenteideal
⌚{I would describe the ideal job as a job that makes the most of my qualifications & skills, and gives me the opportunity to constantly challenge myself. I am looking for a stable job with quality supervision, a positive work culture in a successful company that encourages me to work in the best way ”.}🎐 #worandachievethatdream
como seria tu ideal

¿Cuál es la mejor manera de pedir perdón?

AntonelaVega’s Profile Photoantonela vega
🌈Lo primero que debe hacer cuando le pide perdón a alguien es expresar remordimiento por sus acciones. En palabras simples, debe dejar en evidencia que siente pena por lo que ha hecho. Esto se puede lograr fácilmente si comienza comentando: "Lo siento" o "Pido disculpas".🦋 #gentedeask #askamor #askhermoso
The first thing to do when you ask someone for forgiveness is to express remorse for their actions. In simple words, you should make it clear that you feel sorry for what you have done. This can easily be accomplished if you begin by commenting, "I'm sorry" or "I apologize."🙁✅
#ask.fmgod #ask.love ask.fmothers ask.fmpeace #askpeople
Cuál es la mejor manera de pedir perdón


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