@Hadacol#67 🇬🇧

Herbert Henry Asquith

Ask @Hadacol

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Which book that you read has impacted you the most?

The Lord of the Rings books fired my imagination as a teenager and it's because of the heroic struggle of the Ents against Saruman the Tree-Killer, that I became an environmentalist.
My girlfriend lives in the city he spent much of his childhood in, so we've had the pleasure (tinged with sadness) of visiting some of the places he's associated with.
Yes, when I make my yearly pilgrimage to plant trees ib the Highlands of Scotland, he is the one you can thank.

Have you ever tried out YouTube Premium? Why/why not?

urlsareshittbh’s Profile Photourlsareshittbh
I've never heard of it so presumably not? I hardly ever use youtube except to send my friends music videos, and I use Spotify far more, so it's not something I feel any great need for.

If animals could talk, which animal would be the most annoying?

Maybe shouldn't say this but sheep piss me off. They have a talent for doing the wrong thing, and I always try to help them when they get lost/stuck in some improbable way, but they always run off (in the wrong direction, making themselves even worse off than they were before).
Compare this to pigs and dogs, who are much cleverer, and I certainly don't want to hear what sheep have to say!
Liked by: strange pleasures

Tell me a dream you've never said out loud before?

I once dreamed that one of my colleagues was telling me how much he hates another one of my colleagues, the person he sits next to each day.
Really fuming about this person, saying he wishes he'd never started and he just wants to punch him in the face every day.
The next day, I was really nervous around Bernard* as I feared he'd attack Jeffrey* and I wondered what I'd do if a fistfight broke out at work. Only very slowly did I realise I had in fact dreamed the whole thing, literally!

Today I'm making spring rolls with sweet chilli dipping sauce. If you were making spring rolls what would you put in them and what would you serve them with?

urlsareshittbh’s Profile Photourlsareshittbh
I'd have a filling of beansprouts, carrots & pak choi and a satay sauce at the side.

In your opinion what's the most silly way to decide whether someone is innocent or guilty? For example, flipping a coin, rolling dice, water trial(if they float, they're guilty), trial with judge and jury etc.

urlsareshittbh’s Profile Photourlsareshittbh
Using a so-called lie detector test, as on the now disgraced Jeremy Kyle show, a 21st-century ducking if ever there was one.
The mere fact of being accused makes one guilty in cases like this, according to conservatives, but not in reality, and I hope these things are done away with and the dodgy companies who flog them driven out of business.

What's the funniest auto-correct mistake you made?

During research for my trip to Poland
I texted my aunt and uncle, who were supposed to have come but were too ill, about all the historical facts I'd discovered.
i informed them that at the Second Peace of Torun, 1466, Poland's claims to Royal Prusia were recognised and the Teutonic Knights had to accept this. It would interest them to know about the place my granddad (my uncle's dad) came from.
But it was autocorrect to Tectonic Knights.
What would Tectonic Knights do, fight in a geological way against forces of the earth?

When was the last time you had craving for chocolate?

I don't really have cravings but on Saturday I was in the health food shop & bought some marzipan coated in dark chocolate, and it was terrific.
I believe if you eat things in moderation you're less likely to get a craving & overeat.

Rock climbing or windsurfing?

When I went to
I entered a competition to win a week's kitesurfing holiday in Fuerteventura, as I keep losing and it's time I won something.
Then I got nervous thinking if I do win, I've barely heard of kitesurfing and never done it so I might make all the hipsters angry by not being able to keep up with them. Also I can't really spare a week off work. So maybe the real curse would be to win.
But then I decided I do want to go and got excited about winning, only I didn't win :(

Who is your biggest mentor?

David Hockney is the main inspiration for my work by far. I had got a camera in 2011 as I'd seen some bluebells in May and wanted to photograph them, so got a cmera but wasn't sure what to do with it, then...
I saw him discuss his exhibition, A Bigger Picture, on Countryfile and was fascinated by it. Oddly, the critics didn't think it was much good, but it's often best to ignore the critics.
I was intrigued by the way he portrays the same place in different seasons, putting the pictures next to each other to highlight continuity and change.
I borrowed the book from the library and read it, thinking I'd give it to my mum as a present and I could borrow it from her. But she came round to my house when I was reading it and asked a load of questions as she often does, so I couldn't give her that present.
Instead I set up my unmissable blog
And started making my yearly calendars and I was launched!
So the next time you admire my work, remember that Hockney launched it!
Instead I

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Do you prefer day or night?

I think we should do what they do in Singapore and have sunrise at 7am and sunset at 7pm every day to avoid the excesses of seasons like summer, which we're currently sweating through, and winter, when it's dark nearly all the time.

Which room do you spend the most time in in your house?

Bedroom & computer room! (Apart from the kitchen/dining room, every other room is full of books).
This is a map of the world and I also have maps of the British Isles and of Europe as I like looking up places and planning or imagining journeys.
Also, the maps are from 2012 and I appreciate that they show Crimea as it rightfully is, Ukrainian land, Vladimir Putin's aggression notwithstanding.
Which room do you spend the most time in in your house


Language: English