

Ask @hongjinnnn

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describe ur lepak buddy ;-)

HAHAHAHAA okay okay wew
can i first say that when we met initially i was a bit scared of u??? not bc you have resting bitch face exactly but bc you always look damn sian and judgemental 24/7 so i thought you were judging me AHHAHAH but then i realised that it's just your default face and i totally understand (which is why we are lepak/nua/antisocial shitty people together 🙆💕). hehehe
anyway rachel tan is damn shitty ok this has been a psa???? like legit i cannot believe i ever thought u were cool HAHAHA as we slowly got closer over these few months bc of training I'm just like AWMANNN i found someone equally as lazy as me and I'm just like wew. life goals. hehehe also she's damn good to rant/bitch too ok I LOVE IT because every single time she understands why I'm pissed off at someone?? like we don't even need to vocalise it ok we can just trade a Significant Look and. we'll know. and come up with shitty codenames to describe people HAHAHAHA. but one thing i rly rly love about rachel is her willingness to just do silly stuff with me and we often end up laughing our heads off like crazy people omfg. like ya lying on our fencing bags before/after training, lying on the floor under the fan /during/ training, spontaneously breaking out into random lines of song, attempting to harmonise when everyone else is playing basketball, doing the cancan (...), being burdens together, eating llaollao with me even after we stuffed ourselves in ajisen on the day of nationals... oh man the list goes on and on and I'm q sure it'll be a very very long list especially after 2 years as teammates ☺️ WEW
serious shit now: rachel is actually quite sweet la okay and quite nice. she's forever taking other people's feelings into consideration and she's actually rly quite sensitive to other people's emotions and this is when u know she won't ever deliberately do anything to hurt u. so ya rachel tan you are Good Thing™ and this is me grudgingly admitting it ya. but ultimately I'm so grateful to have her as a friend in hcfencing :') and i'm v v v sure i wouldn't be as happy in this team without her. cheesy af but ya ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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Liked by: Rachel

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cmon we've done too much dumb shit HAHAHAHA accept it!!!! but still 爱你多多 anyways 🙆💖

describe all your cca mates (including those you're not uber close with)!

er i'll just describe all the epeeists for now okay..!! bc our batch is q big + i'm rly not very familiar with the new j1s from foil/sabre yet
justin - super super nice omg seriously. looks like a 乖kia HAHA i think he forever 让 us girls aw
nigel - fricking funny and talks a lot of shit and his uniform forever untucked when i see him in school lmao. but also q nice la okay hehe looks like a paikia in contrast to justin
jieying - ridiculous and toot af and forever making me laugh when she's being stupid (which is 99% of the time) hehehe. but super sensible & her heart is v v big also
anthea - rly nice and helpful and cares a lot about other people aiyo her concern for others is limitless... but her sweat game damn strong HAHAHAH ILY ANTHEA DON'T KILL ME
xihui - rly determined to learn all the fencing techniques wew. and i think she's rly hardworking (: like she's been for every single training
ru en - kinda quiet? havent rly spoken to her much but it's ok cos we have 1+years to go..!! oh but she seems rly nice so (:
matthew - tall af & damn zai in basketball waow. seems q nice and friendly and can p much get along well with anyone
shuyi - tall af x2 omg apparently he's taller than matthew?? welp. but he seems super nice as well! i think epee got all the nice kids yay.
(sorry i'm not very close with the new j1s yet D: as you can probably tell)

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Liked by: MLJL Lim Jie Ying

What is the last thing that made you laugh out loud?

cutting watermelon with cookie cutters. lmao

How do you know that you're in love?

when he makes the shitty 1.5 hours long econs tutorial/lecture less dreary. that's when u know it's real. seriously
Liked by: Richmond Siau

How did he initiate the rs!

✨ magic ✨
(can you ask me in person please!! i'd prefer not to say it here thx))

You are attached? Pap of you and your boyfriend

oh look a wild michelle appeared (thx bb sry i'm just going to use this photo <3333)

How long u all know each other before he confess give some dating tips pl0x

since start of february lor
also im not a dating expert la aiyo i don't think i'm actually qualified to give tips HAHAHAH. i guess just take things at your own pace and let them develop naturally?? i dunno? welp

Describe Samuel

lol i think i'll hit character limit + i don't rly want to type a long essay here so
best boyfriend i could ever ask for - i am so, so lucky. someone who means a lot to me, not just in a romantic sense but as a friend, as a person. someone with an amazing heart & someone i want to keep in my life forever if possible

Name the people you miss in ny

why so specific anon
but mostly the sec4 juniors & our teachers la since we rly don't see them at all in hc.. and also 409 kids + derp squad

ah girl what's this i hear about a relationship?

😅 yeah well 😅
(can you wa me or something lmao)

What do you miss about ny

our shitty cleanliness grade e classroom on the 3rd floor science block with the rainbow colour paper and patricia the angpow horse and trash everywhere / 409 OH MY GOD. i miss this so so so much / changing in the broom closet bc we are too lazy to go to the toilet HAHAH / eating indiscriminately in class / that portion of the whiteboard that u use to write all ur deadlines/assignments etc u know what i mean?? / staying back to study on the benches outside the class / lit kids / teachers like mdm lim ms khoo mrs phua ms teng / juniors :( / the 6 o clock bell / late days on monday / morning assembly in the quad on tues-thurs & in the hall on friday / ny5 / nua-ing in the quadrangle / fried food fridays / all the little things that you never thought you'd miss
idk man i miss a lot of things like friends and familiarity and the teachers.. and that feeling of warmth & safety & belonging that nanyang gave me i guess

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