

Ask @hongjinnnn

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decribe xingjie teehee ok i'm shameless heh /o/

chinguline ends here omG seriously guys i'm just gonna do what i did for jr okay
[copy pasted] we were mutuals for a damn long time but never rly talked until jr and the formation of chinguline but HAHAHA i knew her as one of the few sjexo sg stans on tlist! basically xj looks quiet and introverted but inside she has this little ball of rage and angst that explodes whenever someone makes her mad HAHHA but in general she's actually rly sweet hehe also baking dates yas. also i can never really pinpoint who her bias is [side-eyes]
[adds on... i hate u all] XINGJIE IS SO TALL it is not fair??? but also bf height lmao also xj is super pretty i think heh. she looks super 温柔 & 淑女 but actually she's not HAHJAJAHA like suddenly on twtr it'll be fk here fk there especially when some dumb fan does shit OR her bias(es) look damn good lmao i LOVE IT when that happens bc its v entertaining v funny to watch :)) i think she generally takes a little longer to open up to people but its okay cos in the end it's all worth it hehe especially when she + jr came to my house for baking d8 and we ended up karaoke-ing to december 2014 (ohmaigod) and taking gross selcas hehehe. also i think xj is super hardworking? i remember she gave up tlpsg to study for prelims, and ss5 to study for exams or something too aiyo if it were me i rly wouldn't be able to have that same kind of discipline and self-control la so i really admire her for that!!! same thing for her holiday job at sentosa hahah I'm super happy for her bc she got to go kr (while all the jc people be slogging away creyyyy) and enjoy herself after all her hard work :)) good luck in poly okay!!!! chinguline reunion at hc please omg y'all should rly come and visit one day like tfan did (ღ˘⌣˘ღ) i miss yall

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Liked by: xj

will you please describe your fAVOURITE RED BEAN ꒰˘̩̩̩⌣˘̩̩̩๑꒱♡ i lav u

oh my god seriously did you guys not read my chinguline description i hate y'all
[copy pasted] one of the most welcoming people I've met?? she's super caring and really reaches out to everyone and honestly you just feel this palpable sense of warmth and enthusiasm coming from her. and she rly likes to mother people a lot hehe no joke. she takes a lot of my shit and every time i tweet angst things she'll always be one of the first people to ask me if i'm alright :') rly grateful to have met her!! pls be the jongdae to my chanyeol <3
[added on] super emotional at times but iz okay bc it just shows that you have heart and that you rly care for everyone around you. super protective of her friends so if you piss any of them off, you can be sure that this red bean will be out to get u???? always willing to stand up for what she believes in, regardless of who's around and that's rly admirable bc at least you stick to your causes and champion whatever you believe in (: rly random and lame but at the same time also rly reliable and i know i can always rely on her for advice any time anywhere. likes food hoho (instant friendship established lmao) like seriously baking and sbux and llaollao and honey creme buddies for life ya?? (ღ˘⌣˘ღ)
aiyo i love my red bean lah even though i don't actually like red beans or green beans or any kind of beans for that matter but hearteu hearteu for u ♡

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I totally forgot about the baking thing o shit OK LETS MAKE IT JUNE ((we have four weeks to make it come true if we don't then....... YOUR FAULT))

:"( u forgot about me???? ok


ASK ADAM LEVINE its a line from lost stars ( also it reminds me of selu #deluforselu ) hAh

--and if I get I to hc next year u better treat me to food for doing well omg HAHA have I told u about my goals to sneak into hc??? no??? ok now I've told u hehe love u miss u ;( p.s I'm perfect bf material rmb tfan>>>>>>>pcy

hey hey I snuck into sn last year it's ur turn to sneak into hc now!!!!!!
also pcy > everyone else hELLO

hello your fav impertinent (i typed impertinent for the prev ask too but bloody autocorrectzzzzzsss????) little shit loves u & misses u hoho + you have a misconception that I motivate myself well like what even HAHA AND IM SO LAZY MAN C'MON--

I MISS U 2 our march hols baking date never materialized ;~;

will u pls describe ur fav pertinent little shit (((I even said 'please' wow that has to count for smth right)) lub u

HAHAHA is this tfan hi tfan hi ur an ///impertinent//// little shit btw
anyway tiffany is a rly precious person to me?? ya she's rude af to 98line even though she's our maknae but she doesn't give a shit at all HAHAHAH but okay la im glad for that because ultimately we're a lot closer than those typical senior/junior friendships you would typically see in cca or school. she's super sociable and you just feel at ease with her la we can rly talk about anything & everything & arrange for study dates tgt or anYTHING REALLY
even though I say she's a little shit, sometimes she amazes me bc she's honestly mature beyond her years. she knows very clearly what she wants and what her goals are and she's not afraid to work hard for them (see you in hc next year okay?? okay). but sometimes despite her ability to motivate herself ( and I know that she can do whatever she puts her mind to yeah ) I just wna give her a hug and tell her that she's a good thing and that she shouldn't worry/stress herself excessively!!!
ps. tfan is perfect hugging height && I love her a lot lah :*

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