

Ask @hongjinnnn

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Would you rather live in the mountains or on the beach?

mountains bc yu ying and I have had this shared life goal since sec 3 where we collectively rob a bank and split the cash and live as 2 separate hermits in the swiss/french alps or whatever. total friendship goals.
Liked by: yu ying

describe yurongg!!:))))))))

hehe okay to be honest when we first met I didn't think we'd be able to get along well bc I honestly thought that our personalities would clash haha bc she's super loud and high, like, 24/7. not that it's a bad thing though okay she rly does help bring the mood up of the class a lot especially when all of us are rly super sian and cui ( cough during lessons coUGh ) and I rly do appreciate that la ((: also she just has this ease with ppl that I admire? like she can fit in seamlessly anywhere, probably because she's very open to people and others can sense it too haha
hmm I guess that now, my impression of her has also changed hehe especially after spending two months tgt as classmates. I've come to realise that behind her hyperactive bubbly exterior, she's actually a lot more thoughtful than she might seem (: yu rong's more than just a loud voice and constant laughter haha she's also a sensible girl who rly knows how to prioritize. also she's super hardworking omg respect. so much respect.
let's get to know each other better in the upcoming 2 years yeah (:

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Liked by: jiajing yurong:)

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what's wrong with being confident about yourself stop promoting self depreciating body image pls. ANON, PEOPLE LIKE YOU NEED TO LEARN TO KEEP UR CANCEROUS THOUGHTS TO YOURSELF. (bub i love you DONT listen to them ok)

thank you so much b (❁´▽`❁)*✲゚* walao why you so sweet sia i super 感动?? you're my favourite red bean okay ♡

dear anon pls screw off bc what's so bad about being vain as long as it doesn't personally affect you?? plus hongjin IS fabulous af sooooo

aw :"))) that is an extremely nice thing to say so thank q very much omg. you are Good Thing (⌒▽⌒)
[ but okay lbr I am damn cui HAJAHAHA but still thank you :'-)) ]
Liked by: V

I heard you saying it and you say you didn't? Wow so much for a c1

wow anon you are so doggedly persistent pls tell me you are like this for all your other endeavors too bc u will evidently go far in life!!! wow!! amazing!!ヾ(@⌒ー⌒@)ノ
but yes ( to borrow a line from uptown funk ) GONNA KISS MYSELF IM SO PRETTY xoxo
Liked by: Claudia Leo

maybe they thought you were the other hongjinnnn

there is no other there is only Me
or maybe they're just on the wrong person's askfm
Liked by: Dawn sim

SALTY AF PEOPLE PLS STAY AWAY FROM BUB'S ASK do you even know the meaning of vain anyway lol bub takes the most cui photos ever HAHAHHA look up your vocabulary before using it lah ok

HAJAHAHAHAHAH shit u HAJAHAHAHA but thank u bb (⌒▽⌒) ur the best

You are really vain? How could you say "please don't judge me because I'm pretty" at the senior meet junior session

wow anon you lost me totally bc firstly I never said anything like that so idk where you're getting this from, maybe you misheard me saying something entirely different? secondly, the only senior meet junior session my class went for was the one that was held during orientation aka the one that was A MONTH AGO omg have you just been holding in this criticism all this while bc wow I applaud you now pls go redirect your angst somewhere else thx
Liked by: Dawn sim

AYE CHINGULINE IN UR DP i hope ur doing okay!!!! tomorrow will be a better week ok!!!!

bringing chinguline back bc I miss yall ((cheesy af but #trufax)) thank you bb :"))

describe that boi on yr whatsapp

eyyy lmao uh okay. he's jaye you can scroll down i described him before :) but to add on one more thing: he's the reigning boliao king srsly HAJAHAHA
Liked by: Dawn sim

Okay we need a cooler and more innovative bro dots and basically up our game

aiyo simplicity pls the friendship shines through
Liked by: Dawn sim


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