

Ask @hongjinnnn

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I think it was sisterhood lmao Wait SRS qns was I down or up first for brofist

CAN U STOP BEING A PIECE OF SHIT HAHAHAHA uh down (i think.,,,???)
Liked by: Dawn sim

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I actually screenshoted what u wrote for keepsake okay am I a good soulmate yet

HAHAHAH u know something i screenshot what u wrote too
this is just gross
Liked by: Dawn sim

Lmao u make me feel so bad why u so spoil market one but really really damn touched almost cried okay babe And about the birthday card...ayyyy lmao it Just means u have to find new shit to write hoho But SOULMATES 5eva 很多很多很多很多hearts

♡♡♡ ew u ♡♡♡
(((ya many many hearts back @ u)))
Liked by: Dawn sim


Dawn sim
okayy prepare for some cheesy shit ( i actually was gonna save this for your birthday card or something but then its okay it just means i can write a shorter one this year am i right )
short af. multitalented af like seriously u can dance sing act idk what else you can't do but dayum girl you and i both know that the stage is practically ur home so get out there and own it ok pls be more confident in yourself and ur abilities bc you are amazing. loud af. shitty af but ur my favourite kind of shitty so it's okay :)) plus i know i can be myself around u 100% without filter also like it's a very natural comfortable feeling you gets. it's like we could spend an entire day lepaking and not saying anything much but still when u leave u feel like u had the best time in the whole world and the best conversation and that it was rly worth every minute bc it's just that natural #studybootcamp2.0plox
oh and u r my soulmate???? ya i know this sounds damn disgusting and cheesy but it's true hehe u always know what I'm thinking before I even vocalise it and rly this kind of connection is so hard to find. like we just need to exchange ~looks~ and we alr know who we wanna whack AHHAHAHA ya that kinda feeling. i feel like u could rly search the entire world and still not be able to find it but I'm so lucky to have u???? :') ur a huge (ok not rly i mean your presence is huge bc you have //charisma// but ur physical presence not rly cos ur a shortyzxc) ball of sunshine in my life like legit when I'm angry or sad or feeling shitty I know I can always count on u to cheer me up without fail, regardless of whether it's by giving me your most sincere & heartfelt advice or by sending me dumb shit that will make me laugh. ya it honestly can go either way HAHAHA but i rly don't mind. gossip buddies bitching buddies ranting buddies clubbing buddies for life xoxo istg we can probably tank every single shit that life throws at us so long we have each other to complain to (that is a depressing thought). but yeah you probably know all my secrets and deepest thoughts ohmannnn i mean you know i probably confide in u the most out of all my friends so... hehe
tl;dr you are actual sunshine (+bad karma and sass) and it's damn gross how we come in a pair but like everyone in hc knows we r practically 2-in-1. (like seriously omg i mean. there there / well / ayy lmao have practically become words that ppl associate with us it's so gross) okay. ps hi i'm just going to shamelessly promote our ig account you can follow us @dawnjin.
love u even though ur such a piece of shit \o///// ♡♡♡♡ #friendshipgoals #friendshit

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HI can we have OG outing soon heh heh..,, heh
anyway linus is a shit hahaha his orange specs are super distinctive like no joke. for some reason I keep thinking he and farrell come in a pair but they're like this humorous duo :-)) super good at doing the ares pop dance buttshaking move even tho he's a bullboy like ??? i donut understand but linus is fabulous. yes. he's also a fanboy and that is some cool shit ya. also his tweets are unexpectedly funny LOL IDEFK WHY ALSO. bottom line he's pretty nice and im rly glad i got to know him through orientation!

describe jieying yay

HI OK SO jieying is a toot ok JAHAHA
she's the person who always relays messages with regard to fencing haha even in nanyang I relied on her for all the info about interschools etc and after coming to hc she's the one who passes on the message about when trainings are and blah basically jieying is v reliable. also im glad that we've gotten closer recently haha she's my midnight ranting buddy (lol) & im glad i can rant to her about some stuff la cos she will understand. she's v good to gossip with as well ;-) jieying is also super lame haha the stuff she says will confirm make you laugh de. basically jieying is v nice and im glad to have her as a teammate :-))

Would you ever get a piercing? Where?

yeah i kind of already have 3 haha. 2 on my right ear 1 on my left & i want to get my helix soooon

Babejin, describe yushin HAHAH

HAHAHA yu shin you set the bar damn high for all the describe qns okay but I'll try my best!!!
anyway yu shin is the real life personification of the big friendly giant??? firstly she's pretty tall (but still very nice to hug she gives rly big warm hugs that make you feel happy no matter how shitty you are feeling), and she's really warm and welcoming as well. the thing that's so amazing about yu shin is that she doesn't judge anyone, at all, and she always tries to see the best in people. so, regardless of whoever you are, she'll always do her best to treat you well and the best thing about her is that she's like that to everyone. there's just this sense of naïveté and innocence (despite all her inappropriate comments and body waves lel SAXY GIRL GET SAXY) that makes you wna shield her from everything bad in life & give her everything good!!! also yu shin is just so genuine and sincere it is honestly rly touching!!! i love how she's always herself, regardless of whoever might be around watching. with yu shin, you never get facades or the sense that she's faking - she is 100% yu shin and that's what makes her so lovable :-) she's also super loyal to her friends and if you hurt any of them you can be sure that she will come after you HAHAH she's very good at protecting others.
honestly if yu shin is your friend you are a very very lucky person bc she will shower you with faith and love and positive things!!!!! v v v glad to have her in my life and for her to have made my 409 journey so special :"))))

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Describe hc guy fencers

hi um I don't think I can describe them individually since I don't think I'm familiar enough with them yet! but overall they seem pretty nice and welcoming la (:

describe the raisin cookies

eyYYyyY [excited screeching noises] ok so both of them are honestly rly amazing la and I'm super glad to have them as a support system even in hc!!!! we're like the bitchy branch of the 409 lit kids HAHAHAH
sophie: DOG DOG DOGE. sophie's house looks like it's a fricking holiday resort and she has 3 dogs but that's not the best part the best part is sophie herself (ღ˘⌣˘ღ) everyone thinks sophie looks rly demure and quiet but no inside she is harbouring whole reserves of sass and sarcasm it is amazing to watch everything unfold. honestly, sophie is actually rly nice and honestly she tries to help everyone to the best of her ability!! sophie is also a genius with the av and IT things like our 409 montage was magical and all credit goes to sophloaf. also bread. yes. heh sophie is precious thing
yu ying: yu ying is someone i've grown closer to only in upper sec but dayum girl this friendship has been so amazing. yy is super hilarious omg she falls asleep in class not once not twice but several times, takes her morning showers (lel) and the best part is that she is equally as salty as i am hehe we are saltmates ( •ॢ◡-ॢ)-♡ i know i can literally bitch to yu ying about anything & everything but honestly our friendship extends to more than just plain bitching hahha i can confide in her about a lot of things tbh (: she is damn hilarious without trying also i cannot even senpai pls teach. also yy is very straightforward and won't bullshit you which honestly i'm very grateful for. ya.
basically both of them are rly precious to me ok like our whatsapp convos are seriously golden. but hilarity aside, i know that i can rly be myself around them and they won't judge me for saying the most ridiculous things. much love for them and i know that both of them are people i will def invite to my wedding in the future ok friends we r stuck for life!!!!!

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Liked by: yu ying

What is sodache

this thing we do in hc
so basically sodache stands for song/dance/cheer which is p much self-explanatory la but it's ok it's quite fun


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