

Ask @hongjinnnn

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ok describe a10 [continued]

wei rong: he progressed from 老大 to 老爸 LOL pretty much the father figure of a10??? honestly tho it's amazing he went from interim ct rep to father figure. will never forget how he bought the class biscuits that was a+
wynona: kinda quiet i don't talk to her much but she has a rly pretty name!! ;A; hopefully we'll interact more in the 2 years to come heh
yi xi: upper sec classmates :D also loves to flail over chanyeol with me HURHURHUR yi xi is unexpectedly funny and cool af. also k-trash :D :D :D
yong kien: #truce HAHAHA ok la he's unexpectedly nice even though he's so full of shit. we r getting along well after making our truce hahaha yes
yu rong: super high and cheery 24/7 walao this one ah seriously serial snapchatter #2 you can hear her laughing away and high-ing all day every day
yu ying: BABY JESUS :"))))))) yu ying is a shit but at the same time she is also The Shit okay. part of the raisin cookies and i know i can trust her with a lot of my shit hahaha she's probably one of the people i'm closest to in class! yu ying is amazeballs.
chengzhi: ninja af omfg he literally just appears out of thin air and disappears the next moment. we haven't really talked much but ayyyy 2 years i'm sure we will somewhere in the near future
okay. i'm out.

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Describe a10 classmates! ^^

royce: PROBLEM CHILD OF A10. super duper tall like give me some of your height please. super zai national team shooter and rly good at coming up with lame puns haha. overall a pretty nice guy :)
cheng leong: TERROR who cannot fricking maintain. loves to burn and gl people all day every day smh. quite full of shit but a nice guy (deep deep down)
chloe: SASS. chloe is amazing omg she makes rly hilarious comments during lesson time which kind of gets her blacklisted but ay it's super entertaining. also it was amazing to watch her act for dramafeste \o//
claire: yet another tall one pls get out of my face. classmates for 5 years HAHAHA WHAT IS THIS FATE
eldrida: sass. that's it. her eye rolls are on point and her cackling is super contagious omg also it gets stuck in your head. also she writes rly well ayyyy
jean: buddha aesthetic #1. 3/3 of the sass trio in class. also jean makes super sassy comments out of nOWHERE jean is hilarious yes
jessica: part of 409 lit kids :D jessica says the most unexpected shit at the most random times but it is fricking hilarious HAJAHAHA basically jessica is priceless and if you try to imitate her you will not succeed.
jialing: super enthusiastic and helpful hehe she's always answering qns and helping to clarify people's doubts
kym: classmates since sec 1 too HAHAHA kym may seem quiet but ay do not be fooled. she likes to bring up thought-provoking questions at the weirdest times lel
marcus: spoil market. looks like he belongs in club penguin. study buddies HAHA we appreciate ur existence so long you don't spoil the market :-)
nat: NAT. we had our ups and downs definitely but I'm glad we managed to get over them and that we are friends again (?? i hope so HAHAHA i consider you a friend of mine lah) ((:
natalie yap: badass omg but she has super cool piercings and her hair is rly pretty ;____; admire HAHHA
sam: he's a lot nicer than i thought he would be (HAHAHA sorry) and honestly he's not as bad as i thought la (: he's also constantly at ct bench after sch so yeaaa (sort of???) study buddies. also a fricking snapchat addict istg
samuel: shitty (ok jk la scroll down)
sean: RICH. AF. honestly, he belongs in high society HAHAHAH he is super bitchy and sarcastic okay seriously, but the stuff he says is rly super entertaining you will honestly not be able to stop laughing. everyone thinks that in a10, the bitchiest person would be one of the girls but noOOOo sean teh wins all
sze ying: kinda quiet but heh honestly on the inside she's rly sassy :')))) also sze ying is super cool and buff. no joke. seriously 赞!!!!
victoria: she's rly helpful and always replies to people's qns on the class whatsapp group hehe also pretty enthu about most stuff la i remember day 1 of ct allocation when we had to do the sodache challenge thing she was the one driving our class forward esp since we were super ~meh~

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Liked by: Nat Tan

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Individual description of OG!

WALAO HAHAHA oh man I miss og31 :"(
andrew: forever getting shot during SSM hahaha unexpectedly funny
ci heng: knew her since sec 2 already LOL ci heng is a piece of shit. jk she's a super loyal friend & part of derpsquad and im super glad she was in my OG cos familiar face heh
claire: TALL af hehe but very sporting (she always led the 3 cheers for opposing OGs during OG games)!!
claudia: LOUD. but she rly helped to break the ice especially when we were still awkward with each other haha she's v straightforward so she won't bs you la (:
derrick: kinda quiet... sorry omg we didn't rly interact much but he seems nice!
eunice: SUPER SWEET haha eunice is rly super nice and genuine!
farrell: ahoot. i think he's quite nice & forever with linus? the designated person to ask qns during truth or dare HAJAHA
gina: she seems quiet & demure but then her burns/sarcasm are super on point hahaha it's quite funny
hsin yee: quiet :c smtp kid + pro debater heh
ian: another one who seems quiet but actually he's rly nice! i rmb he was super out of all the OG gossip and we filled him in HAHAHA
jaye: dance partner \o/ I think he tanked all the leadership stuff (hahaha vice pres siol). he's nice to talk to and another one who likes gossip lol it's weird how we only got closer after orientation
tiankuo: super charismatic hahaha his magic tricks are a++!!!!
jiaqi: super funny HAHAHA & he's very easy to get along with!! I remember thinking that he's damn good at dance since the first day of sodache alr op man
jingyi: super enthu which helped our OG get closer & she's q nice too (:
joel: another person I didn't rly interact much with sorry ): ):
jun wei: super tall and super thin omg. I thought he was q dao at first haha but he seems cool
kat: she was from 409 hehe super bubbly and friendly and chirpy!!! ((: she rly brought the mood of our OG up a lot with her highness lol
linus: ACTUAL FANBOY. he's super funny & ridiculous and his orange specs are hella distinctive. i feel like he comes in a pair with farrell idk why HAHA
nat: #NATOUT haha he's damn lame but I guess he keeps our OG chat alive altho his puns and jokes will rly make you wna kick him
royce: problem child of ehpunoh \o/ super tall I rly have to look up when I talk to him sian. another fanboy HAHAH AIYA royce is Good Thing
xinpeng: quiet :c but I can't forget never have I ever when everyone thought she died but then she won HAHAHA
zhi jian: rly enthu and helped to hype up our OG a lot!! (: and I think it's cool that she makes her own mixes haha
feixiang: ponned every single day except one or smth lol champion HAHAHA
zhou yu: has some cool chinese name & pops up at the most unexpected moments in the OG whatsapp

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Describe your CT!

a10 is generally rly interesting and they rly do make lessons & jc life a lot brighter & more fun!!!! haha if you've seen us during lectures (especially math) you will understand la. there's always a lot of laughter and fun to be had in class with them :-)

Isn't that answer totally the reason why samjin set sail HAHA

emphasis on the word 'friends' hi
dawn and I 谈心事 / Talk About Life & Deep Things also why don't u ship us #dawnjin

describe samuel

lol ok a10 which one of u sent this qn
samuel is a shit lol everyone thinks he's a saint but actually he's got this bitchiness (deep down) inside like seriously. when he found out that we shared the same birthday he was like "oh hongjin is irrelevant" walao bitch
that aside, I only knew him as dawn's friend before class allocation came out haha but after spending some time tgt as classmates I guess he's actually a super good friend to 谈心事 / Talk About Life & Deep Things with like honestly i tell him most of if not all my problems and also he rly likes gossip lol it's q funny. um we share similar views on a lot of things it's simultaneously scary and gross but yeah I'm rly glad that we're friends la (:
r u happy now anon

what wuld u do if LLAOLLAO left our sunny island

cry cos where else would dawn and i get our regular dose of diabetes ????

describe chinguline

chinguline :')))) ahhh i love chinguline okay?? okay
jr: basically jr (walao it's damn weird hahaha ur name in my phone is steph but then everyone else calls u jr so I'm rly not sure what to call you sia) (mostly i just call u trash) is one of the most welcoming people I've met?? she's super caring and really reaches out to everyone and honestly you just feel this palpable sense of warmth and enthusiasm coming from her. and she rly likes to mother people a lot hehe no joke. she takes a lot of my shit and every time i tweet angst things she'll always be one of the first people to ask me if i'm alright :') rly grateful to have met her!! please be the jongdae to my chanyeol <3
xj: we were mutuals for a damn long time but never rly talked until jr and the formation of chinguline but HAHAHA i knew her as one of the few sjexo sg stans on tlist! basically xj looks quiet and introverted but inside she has this little ball of rage and angst that explodes whenever someone makes her mad HAHHA but in general she's actually rly sweet hehe also baking dates yas. also i can never really pinpoint who her bias is [side-eyes]
phoebe: phoebe is SUPER COOL like her hair and her vibe and the way she dresses everything is on point. she's a rly talented artist & writer and i rly admire her bc she has this vibe of doing whatever she wants to, regardless of what people might think or say! also phoebe is super humorous and lame and her tweets always make me laugh ;;;; i remember the time i snuck into (blatantly walked into) st nicks in her uniform lmao
tfan: maknae of chinguline ;~; she is this super impertinent child HAHAHA (respect us pls) who at the same time is actually rly mature??? she knows what she wants and isn't afraid to work hard to get it and i rly admire that about her! and she's super sweet omg thank you for all your little gifts and notes of encouragement and yeah work hard for Os this year okay <3

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pls bake me a giant molten lava cake

ur asking for too much & I'm not sure our relationship is ready for this level of commitment

describe michelle

michelle's a piece of shit who just ended her skype call with me but wuhu 1h52min55sec we champion. anyway
we were upper sec classmates and deskmates in term 1 or something and i remember thinking she was some crazy high enthu shit HAJAHA and somehow we got rly close in those 2 years spent together in 409 so I'm super thankful for that!!! :'-) like yeah we basically helped each other tank a lot of academic shit especially before major exams like we had communal IH/LA gdocs and stuff #friendshipgoals #rsgoals so ya and we would p much always skype each other for school things to get through it Together
i know we have had our ups and downs but right now michelle is p much one of the closest friends i have & one of the people i trust most. she's someone who i can totally be myself around like seriously 100% no filter and she takes all my nonsense. LIKE SERIOUSLY ALL MY NONSENSE. she entertains me when I'm in my rubbish moods and baking moods (we have had so many failed baking dates it's q funny) and fangirl moods and aiya basically anything and everything under the sun. also i can tell her all my problems for some reason and she's actually very comforting like she gives good advice and v warm hugs. also she's super cheery and she's like this huge ball of sunshine and tbh talking to her will always brighten my day & make me laugh even though she insults me 25/7 bc she is a shit who creates whatsapp groups with just the both of us only to leave me alone in them </3
bottom line michelle is amazing & one of my favourite people lah are you happy now ho ho ho

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